by Pastor David Nuottila
At the time of this writing, we are in the midst of stay at home orders, social distancing and the closure of many other public places. Sporting events are cancelled; concerts, theaters and many other forms of entertainment are also shut down. Even our houses of worship are affected by government guidelines for gathering in large crowds. All of this due to the novel coronavirus outbreak that has caused a world-wide pandemic.
It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway; in all of this I miss my church family. As a pastor, I thrive on the personal interaction we all share here at St. Jacob’s. I suppose I should consider myself blessed in that, from time to time, I do get to see and speak with members of our congregation, albeit at a distance. Still, it is no substitute for the conversation, smiles, handshakes and hugs we would normally share on a frequent basis. Perhaps this is why I am choosing to focus on community as a theme for my writing this month.
Our God is one who has always gathered his peo-ple into community with one another. Ever since his creating of the first human beings, our Father has called his people into relationships to be shared among the faithful. Our Lord Jesus even assures us that as even two or three gather in his name, there he is among them. Our God is close to his people. God’s people are to be close with one another. The community in which we live is a gathering in the mystical body of Christ himself.
Who among us has not missed the gathering of our church family? Who is it that has enjoyed this time of separation between family members, friends and loved ones? No one, no not one. Just as a pastor thrives on the social interaction of his flock, so too does the flock thrive as we share in our life together. I have heard from several that they cannot wait until this current crisis passes so that we can all gather again. I have heard from several others that they didn’t realize just how much they
have taken our Sunday morning gatherings for granted. Yet, for the time being, we will have to endure as we have been doing.
I am very thankful for those who have helped during our online worship services. Certainly, our worship is enhanced by the addition of music and the presence of those who have participated as readers, singers and musicians. We worship as we are able in a way that I hope is reaching beyond our congregation. I pray that as we continue to seek ways in which to strengthen the sense of community among our church family members, we strengthen the relation-ships we share as well.
Until we are able to gather as one congregation in worship, I will continue to pray for God’s guidance and inspiration as I seek ways to foster the relationship we all share as family members of St. Jacob’s. Yes, this will mean continued morning and evening check-ins and devotions. It will mean the posting of jigsaw puzzles on our Facebook page for families to work on together. And most certainly, it will mean a continued effort to hold each one of you in prayer as we remain separated by state and federal guidelines.
I pray that you all remain safe and healthy. I pray that you take the time to enjoy the relationships you share with those who are closest to you. And I pray, most of all, that in this season of Easter, the joy of Christ’s resurrection, the power of God’s love for his people, and the love that binds us together in faith remains first and foremost in your hearts and minds. God bless you and keep you in his grace.
Pastor David Nuottila