Outreach Archive

NALC Carolinas Mission Event

Posted May 4, 2023 By admin

The Carolinas Mission region is hosting an event similar to the one last May in which we assembled health kits for the disaster response warehouse in King’s Mountain, NC. At this year’s event, volunteers will assemble flood buckets. As a part of the project, St. Jacob’s is collecting pairs of dishwashing gloves and scrub brushes. Our goal is 100 pairs of gloves and 100 scrub brushes by Sun day, May 14.

We also would like to have volunteers from our church family to participate in the event at Advent Lutheran Church in King’s Mountain. It will be a day filled with plenty of fellowship, music, fun, and of course, good food. You can drop off your donations of gloves and brushes in the designated boxes on the stage in the fellowship hall. Please consider attending the event at Advent Lutheran Church and help us help others.

Mercy Bags Ministry

Posted April 29, 2023 By admin

St. Jacob’s provided 41 Mercy Bags (123 meals!) to We Care during the months of March and April! We Care has expanded its mobile delivery and now serves the Jenkinsville area. Please continue to shop for food using the list that is provided in the narthex and leave the food in the fellowship hall near the We Care donation box. You can also make a monetary donation designated to Mercy Bags and place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your continued support of this meaningful ministry!
Mercy Boxes for We Care – Mobile Delivery
Meal 1
Large can of green beans
Large can of sweet potatoes
Meal 2
2 DelMonte spaghetti sauce with meat
1 lb pasta
2 cans corn
Meal 3
3 Vienna sausage
1 large can baked beans
Jar of apple sauce
Meal 4
2 cans of cooked chicken
Can of lima beans
2 pouches of instant mashed potatoes
Meal 5
3 cans of tuna
Mac and Cheese Complete box
Can of mixed fruit
Meal 6
Large can of beef stew
Instant Rice
2 cans of peas / carrots
Meal 7
2 cans of cooked chicken
Jar of Alfredo sauce
Additional items
Grits or oatmeal or box of cereal
Peanut butter and jelly

We Care Most Needed Items

Posted April 17, 2023 By admin

Corn Muffin Mix
Boxed Pasta
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Ramen Noodles/Soup
Canned Tomatoes
Chili Beans
Canned Chicken
Instant Potatoes
We also always need toiletries paper products and cleaning supplies.

Looking With Fresh Eyes

Posted April 7, 2023 By admin

Our Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit with Pastor David Wendel was a great success. Everyone who attended seemed to enjoy discussing our current reality and prayerfully discerning a vision for our future here at St. Jacob’s. We came up with four vision points that will be shared with the congregation as soon as time allows. In order that we do not lose momentum, Susan and Sherrie were chosen to serve as “Trail Bosses” to keep us on the pathway toward renewal of our mission. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to Pastor Wendel for his visit and leadership through the summit. Below are a few pics of our time together.

Up And Going

Posted April 5, 2023 By admin

The March 9th meeting of the Up and Going was held in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am. Devotions with prayer was given by Team Leader, Helen. Devotions were on The Purim Holiday from the book of Esther, also a reading, Be Open to Giving and Receiving Grace, with verses from Ephesians.
A covered dish meal was enjoyed by all. Members gathered at the worktables to assemble Hospice Easter Bags for area Hospice patients. We might be older but not slower workers.
In about one hour, our 14 members and guests assembled 100 Easter bags consisting of a pretty cello bag with a layer of Easter grass, then filled with wrapped candies, nuts, cookies, etc. then tied with a beautiful multi-colored ribbons and bows holding a handwritten Easter Blessing.
They were so pretty. Gary and Joan Marco will deliver the bags to the appropriate distribution facilities for delivery by hospice workers before Easter. Thank you all for a job well done.
The April Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 13th at 10am (NOTE TIME CHANGE) in the Fellowship Hall. We will have an hour chair yoga class for our information and enjoyment. Lunch will follow. Please bring a salad, side item or dessert for sharing. Please plan to attend and enjoy this class. Dress is comfortable pants and shirts so you will be comfortable.

Read Luke 22:14-23 In the hours before Jesus was lifted up upon the cross, he gathered his closest friends around the table and poured out the Spirit of God’s love. In the meal they shared, Christ made himself truly available to them, filling them with the hope of God’s kingdom.
The disciples could not yet understand, but Christ’s assurance was there; “This is my body which is given for you.” On the eve of Christ’s victory over sin and the grave, finally, reconciliation between God and man was at hand.
Today, we live as God’s redeemed people; through Christ, sin no longer has power over us. Nowhere is this made more visible than as we share the meal of our faith. The same assurance, the same spirit of love, the same Lord Jesus is present with us as he was present with the twelve.
As we approach God’s table of grace, we bring only that which we can truly call our own. With extended hands, the nakedness and shame of our sin is laid to bear at the foot of Christ’s cross. Yet, our Lord welcomes us to the feast. Our sin stained hands are extended – seeking refreshment, fulfillment, forgiveness. And like the disciples, we receive our Lord as we hear the words of Christ, “This is my body given for you.”
Prayer: Thank you Lord, for this bread and this cup, through which you fill us with your grace. Amen.

Community Service

Posted March 14, 2023 By admin

As a service to our neighbors, St. Jacob’s offers the use of our Fellowship Hall, and occasionally the church office building to civic groups in our community. Currently we have two groups devoted to the care of those who struggle against addiction.
The Chapin area AA group meets in the Fellow ship Hall every week on Monday and Friday at 7:30PM. They are very grateful for the use of St. Jacob’s facilities and have been a wonderful addition to our outreach into the community.
The Courage Center meets in our Fellowship Hall each week on Thursday evening at 7:00PM. The Courage Center supports families whose lives have been disrupted by substance misuse or addiction.
Please remember to consult the church calendar when scheduling events held in the Fellowship Hall. We want to be accommodating to our neighbors in need, just as our Lord is compassionate and accommodating in our need.

Mercy Bags Ministry for We Care

Posted March 13, 2023 By admin

What an amazing impact our congregation has made in helping families in need by providing meals to be delivered by We Care. Since we began this ministry less than a year ago, we have donated over 300 meals!! The Discipleship Team has organized volunteers into two groups that will meet only once a month (on the 1st or 3rd Sundays) to pack and distribute the meals to We Care on Monday morning.
There is room for more people to help with this! Do you have time to donate ONE hour of your time once a month to help shop for food, pack the bags with meals or deliver the bags on a Monday morning? Call or talk to Lynn and let him know!

The Souper Bowl of Caring

Posted March 8, 2023 By admin

On February 12th “Super Bowl Sunday,” Two teams at St. Jacob’s squared off to raise money to feed orphaned children in the Congo. Pastor David gave them a challenge. Collect at least $200.00 and the kids could give him the traditional victory shower pouring Gatorade over his head. Well, the congregation responded generously, as you usually do. The Youth collected $403.00 and Pastor David got doused with Gatorade. Thank you to all who donated and to God be the Glory!

Worship at Generations

Posted March 3, 2023 By admin

Worship services at Generations Assisted Care of Chapin have made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. St. Jacob’s members are invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, March 5th and March 19th at 1:00PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.