Pastor Archive

Pastoral Devotion For May

Posted May 1, 2020 By admin

Community In Christ
Read Acts 2:42-47
Each year, the National Geographic Channel airs a series in which ten competitors are deposited in a wild and desolate location somewhere around the globe. The purpose of the journey is to find out which of them is able to survive the longest in the wild while being totally, as the title would describe, Alone. The competitors have no contact with anyone. Only if they radio for assistance would they hear another human voice, but such a call means their odyssey comes to an end.

Being alone is contrary to the life God would have for his people. In the beginning, God created Adam but soon afterward made for him a helper and companion. Throughout the ages, God has blessed the human family that people may live in communi-ty with one another. In his book, “Life Together”, Dietrich Bonhoeffer explains that, for believers, community is a gift of God’s grace.

Not all live in such community. Many believers are dispersed throughout the world and live among those who have not believed Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Yet, our God calls some Christians to love and even live among their enemies. Speaking the Gospel of Christ to those who do not believe provides the building blocks of faith, which in turn serve as the seeds that sprout and grow into the fellowship of faith.

God does not intend for his people to live alone. Filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, believers have what is needed to introduce others to Christ. Hearing the Gospel bring others to faith, and through faith, Christ establishes the community of believers.

Video And Phone Updates

Posted April 30, 2020 By admin

Pastor David continues to post morning and evening video updates and church information each week day at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM (approximately) on Facebook live. The church staff also continues to reach out by telephone and U.S. Mail to our church family members, especially those whom we know do not use the internet.

Bible Study

Posted April 30, 2020 By admin

Pastor David AND Rachel Shelton will be hosting an online Bible study at our regular time of 9:30 AM, on Wednesday mornings. You may follow along on our St. Jacob’s Facebook page for this live and interactive study. You may participate by making comments in the comments section. Please, even if you are new to Facebook or have not used it before, give it a try. We might just find that there is room for online Bible study as a part of our future ministries.

It’s Time To Come Home

Posted April 30, 2020 By admin

Have you been away from St. Jacob’s for a while? Has it been weeks, months, or even years? Well, now is the time to consider your return. Thanks to COVID-19, everyone has been away. No one has been in worship on Sunday except for watching in their own homes. Perhaps you too have been watching. If so, that means you have been a part of the community gathered around the Gospel each week. Or perhaps you have been watching the morning or evening devotions, and Pastor’s check-in. If that’s the case, I am very grateful for your presence online; and I hope to see you in person when we can open our doors to everyone.

Now is the time to come home. No matter the reason you have been away, now is the time to re-connect. You don’t have to worry about questions about your absence. You don’t need to be concerned about having been away for any specific period of time. Like I said, we have all been away. When we resume our regular worship activities just come be a part of them. Come home to St. Jacob’s. Come and hear the Gospel and enjoy our shared life together.

Upon Our Return

Posted April 30, 2020 By admin

The following is a list of things, I (Pastor David) will be working on and suggesting upon our return to activity at St. Jacob’s.

Continued live streaming of our worship services – This will require St. Jacob’s to purchase further licensing so that we can have permission to include music and liturgies in their fullest form for our live and recorded services.

Online Bible studies – I will be looking for ways to share a more interactive Bible study once a week. Possibilities include internet services such a Zoom TM or possibly conference calls.

Safer and healthier practices for worship – I will be working with the Worship and Music Team to explore ways of keeping our congregation safe by limiting the possibility for transmitting coronavirus, flu and other germs.

More congregational focus on our home bound members – This could include the development of a lay visitation team made up of volunteers who check-in on our shut-in members frequently.

Daily video check-in and devotions – This will likely take place in the morning sometime around 9:00 AM on our Facebook page.

These are just a few of the things that have been running through my mind during our time of social distancing. The goal is to strengthen our sense of community among our church family and to begin providing a more consistent witness to the Gospel to Chapin and the surrounding area.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted April 2, 2020 By admin

Read John 18:1 – 20:18

Writing the April installment of our newsletter is certainly an interesting project. The month of April 2020 brings with it the occasion of marking Jesus’s Triumphal Entry into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Soon afterward, the church observes the Triduum, otherwise known as the service of the Three Days. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter are all wrapped up into one continual worship service. During these three days, the need for Christ’s innocent suffering and death and God’s willingness to sacrifice his only begotten Son lead us to the empty tomb of the Resurrection of our Lord. Yet citing all these things, the reality of our “social distancing” has made such observance challenging at best.  

On the night he was betrayed, Jesus told his disciples that he would not leave them orphaned. He would send the Advocate, whom we recognize as the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would be with them as they carried on the ministry Christ himself instituted. In the face of persecution, trials and temptation, the Holy Spirit would fill the remaining disciples, now called apostles, with power from on high. They would need this power. The worldly powers that defy God’s goodness and mercy would not simply yield to the Gospel.  

Today, as I write this column for you, we have to rely on the same power bestowed by the same Holy Spirit so that the church can carry on the mission of the very same Gospel. The current pandemic, Corona Virus or COVID-19 as it is called, has attempted to hinder God’s people from worship, community prayer, service toward one another and especially public proclamation of the Word of God. Along with that, I can imagine the devil smirking as he thinks he might have found a way to disrupt the celebration of the Sacraments and the fellowship of believers. Oh my, how short sighted can our advisory be?  

Surely, we are experiencing something that we have never before even dreamed of. All around the world, people are experiencing the same sort of troubles as we are here. I have been in contact with friends in Canada, England, and Latvia and all report the same “social distancing” we are experiencing here. They also report one more thing that we know is true. We can continue to proclaim the Gospel to the world because Christ is still Lord of all.  

With his innocent suffering and death, Jesus destroyed the power that evil would claim to have on the lives of God’s people. No longer are we held captive to the consequences of our sin. And because Jesus was raised from the grave on the third day, we have nothing to fear. Baptized into his death and resurrection, we have been made inheritors of God’s eternal kingdom of glory. No virus, no warnings from governments, nor any earthly powers can halt the sharing of this Good News.  

As of today, I have no idea what our Easter celebration might look like. I am hopeful that we will all be together sharing a festive breakfast and that we are able to gather in our beautiful church nave singing praises to the One who has gained the eternal victory. This is my prayer. We shall see soon enough. Until then, let’s continue giving God our thanks and praise, for he has done mighty things for the sake of his people. God bless you all in these interesting times. You are certainly in my prayers.  

Grace to you and peace,  

Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for April

Posted April 1, 2020 By admin

Who Will Roll Away the Stone?

Read Mark 16:1-8

Oh, the things we forget when we have a job to do. Oh, the details we overlook. Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome were heading to Jesus’ tomb to complete the burial rite. It was only along the way that they thought about the boulder which sealed Christ’s tomb. Who would move it? Indeed, who would remove the obstacle standing between the women and their Lord? Image their reaction when they saw this barrier was already overcome.

Jesus, the one who was crucified was no longer among the dead. Jesus, the one who lived a life without sin, yet died for the sins of others, was raised by the hand of God. In death, Jesus conquered death. Through his resurrection, Jesus opened the way of everlasting life for all believers. The great barrier, the sin of the world, is overcome by the love of God in Christ Jesus. This is the good news of Easter.

In Christ, the great barrier which once stood be-tween God and humanity no longer exists. Even as we are consumed with our worry, our business and our consumption, God’s grace is made certain for all who believe. In Christ, we are forgiven. And because he lives, we shall live also.

Prayer: All praise and honor and glory be to you, O God, for Christ has triumphed over sin and the grave. Amen.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted March 2, 2020 By admin

[Jesus said] “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

 For several years now, throughout the North American Lutheran Church, it has been well noted that in order to be effective and bold witness for Christ, there must be a shift in our church culture. For years, we have lived according to a church membership mentality. Such behavior lends itself to a perception of ownership of the church rather than that of stewardship. Another aspect of the membership culture is a sense of belonging to a specific congregation rather than being a part of the church at large. The culture of membership bears little fruit for the kingdom of God. Instead, the fruit produced is concentrated upon the perceived needs of the congregation that we might sustain our current way of existence. Hearing this, where do we as a congregation find ourselves along the road to discipleship?

During our Congregational Council Retreat, we took initial steps toward culture change by way of a brief assessment of ourselves and our congregation. In terms of discipleship, we discovered that there is much work to do. Focus was placed upon six habits of church leaders. These same habits are central to living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. To become a disciple of Jesus, one must first understand and begin living according to each behavior. Below is a brief description.

Worship – Disciples not only worship Christ regularly, they understand the purpose and benefit of worship. The chief purpose of worship is that Christians receive God’s good gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. This is the reason for our worship. The fruit of our worship is that we are strengthened in our faith, thanking God and singing his praises for all he provides. When we fail to worship, we fail to gather with God’s people and receive that which God pours out, and we miss the opportunity to bear the fruit of such gratitude.

Prayer – Disciples of Jesus follow his example of prayer. Each of us prays, of that there is no doubt. But to follow Jesus’ example means that we would be intentional in our prayer, seeking out times each day when we withdraw from others and all distractions, spending time alone in prayerful conversation with God. This means quiet time, peaceful and uninterrupted. It also includes time to be quiet and listen for God’s answer.

Study the Scriptures – Disciples of Jesus Christ study Holy Scripture each day. They spend time in the morning, afternoon or evening reading the Bible and learning the ways of God. Disciples also study with others, so that they would learn together. And finally, it is not enough that we study, but disciples know the Word of God. Disciples continue to study so that they know and understand the message of the Law and prophets. They know and can articulate to others the Gospel and guide others in their learning.

Share Faith – Disciples of Jesus Christ are those who engage in Christ’s Great Commission, sharing the good news with others whom they meet. To share your faith means that you are not only willing and able, but you are eager to tell others about God’s salvation that comes through Christ, crucified and risen. Disciples are not shy, they are bold witnesses to all that God has done and continues to do for the sake of humanity.

Serve – Disciples understand the example Jesus provided on the night he was betrayed. Before reclining at the table, Jesus took upon himself the role of a servant and washed the feet of his disciples. Understanding this, we too are to disregard our status and come to the aid of our neighbor. Disciples understand that we serve the God whom we cannot see by serving the neighbor visible to us.

Share – Finally, disciples understand that all we have within our possession is a trust from God. Our Father in heaven has gifted everyone generously, but each is gifted differently. Whether rich or poor, disciples understand that we are to share what we have with others. Our time, talent and treasure are all gifts to be shared joyfully with our neighbor so that all might see the goodness of God.

The leadership of the NALC is correct in saying we need a shift in our culture. For the sake of our community and world, we must be prepared to take on the role of being disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Lord commands us to do so. Jesus said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” Luke 9:23. A shift in culture takes time. It takes dedication and discipline. But most of all, it takes the willingness for all who claim to be followers of Jesus to take his word seriously.

This year will be one during which our sense of discipleship continues to grow. It will be one during which we as a congregation will continue to strive toward the six habits of greater discipleship. I invite you to pray with me for our congregation and the ministries that we share. I invite you to pray for me as I continue to learn more of how God is calling our congregation to engage in his mission. And finally, I promise that I will continue to pray for each of you, that you hear the call of our Lord to be his disciples and joyfully answer “Here I am Lord, send me.”

Grace to you and peace, Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion For March

Posted March 2, 2020 By admin

A New Day

Read: Psalm 118, Zephaniah 3:14-20

With each sunrise comes the hope that today will be better than tomorrow. The problems of yesterday are in the past, they are but memories now. Today is a new day, a chance to start again, an opportunity to do better.

We have all had mornings such as this. We have all suffered through bad days, moments of grief and loss, or times of trouble. Often times we become so engulfed in our predicament that we lose sight of the one who calls us his own. Yet, God is present.

The psalmist reminds us that in the midst of earthly life, each new day is a gift from our Father in heaven. The prophet Zephaniah assures God’s people of his continued peace and presence. God delights in his people. He is pleased with all who call upon his name. His love is greater than any earthly power. He will refresh you. He will uphold you. Most of all, God rejoices in you. Greet God in the morning with prayer. Come to him and ask his blessing. Rejoice! This is the gift of a new day.

Prayer: Holy God, I delight in your love for me, for you have called me your own. Amen.

Vacation Bible School

Posted March 2, 2020 By admin

As Vacation Bible School approaches, we want to get ahead on planning and equipping those who will be teaching. If you would like to volunteer to serve, check the sign-up sheet on the youth bulletin board by the fellowship hall. VBS will be June 22nd-25th. Continue to watch your newsletter and worship folders for more details.