Up and Going Archive

Up And Going

Posted March 2, 2020 By admin

Up and Going met on February 13th with beautiful valentine decorations that set the mood. There were 25 members and guests present to enjoy this special time together. The blessing was said and a delicious covered dish meal followed. The program was presented by Tommy, assisted by his wife, Janet. February is Heart Health month and Tommy spoke to us about his heart health journey, which includes living on a heart pump. He graciously showed us the heart pump, it’s batteries and how it is connected to his body and answered our questions. His wife designed the tee shirt that holds his batteries and answered questions. Their presentation was absolutely amazing. Tommy added funny stories about his journey and his strong Faith. Janet passed out handouts that they had prepared for each of us. This was the most fascinating show and tell. We sincerely appreciate Tommy and Janet being with us and sharing their experiences. We also welcomed their friend Biebe who was with them. Albert gave the devotions emphasizing one of our favorite Bible verses, Nothing Can Separate us from God’s Love. This was a very timely devotion considering all that Tommy had just told us. The Treasurer’s Report was given. Old and New Business was discussed. Helen passed out Heart Health handouts entitled “Timing is everything”, “Love your heart” and “Did You Know Heart Attacks Have Beginnings?” She then read a poem by Clay Harrison entitled “Everyday Miracles”. This writing reminded us that we receive miracles from God constantly. Let us acknowledge and give thanks. Thank you to each of you for making this meal and meeting so enjoyable.

The March Up and Going Meeting is scheduled for March 12th at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The meal will be our annual soup pot lunch. There is a sign up sheet posted for each person to designate whatever you would like to bring to fill our soup pot and fixings. Ray will provide the devotions and a short program on getting our gardens ready for Spring Planting. We will then make bows and cards for the Hospice Easter Bags, which we will assemble in April.

Thanks, Helen

Up and Going News

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

Happy New Year to each of you.

The January Up and Going Meeting was held on Thursday, January 9th at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Eighteen members attended. Helen gave the devotions from Romans the eighth Chapter, reminding us that nothing can separate us from God’s love. This is God’s promise that we should always hold on to and treasure. She read a poem “God Knows Best” by Helen Steiner Rice and closed with prayer. Business meeting was held and the Treasurer’s Report was given by Bob. Items of interest were discussed. After the meal blessing was given, we enjoyed a delicious meal of Chili (3 different pots) lots of side dishes and desserts. We then enjoyed playing re-gifted BINGO. There was so much laughter and comments throughout the games. We played until everyone won more than once and all of the gift items were happily now in the possession of someone who chose them. This was a fun day, and we all enjoyed the meal and BINGO. The February Meeting will be on Thursday, Feb 13th in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM. The meal will be a covered dish meal. Don’t forget to bring your favorite dish to share. Albert is in charge of devotions.

Up and Going

Posted December 23, 2019 By admin

December 12th, we found beautiful Christmas decorations adorning the tables and other areas, setting the mood for the Up and Going December Meeting. Joan and Gary had been busy getting everything ready for us. At each person’s place, there was a Christmas card from Gloria Dugan (What a pleasant surprise). Helen brought bells for each of us to wear. We were now set for the Christmas Celebration. Joan’s reading from Luke, gave a timely devotion on Angels, especially Angels to help and guide us. She reminded us that there are many earthly angels that assist us when we are in need. We sang several of our favorite Christmas Carols accompanied on the piano by Joan. After the Blessing given by Gary, we enjoyed a wonderful meal. The tables were bountifully adorned with many delicious food and dessert items.

A short business meeting was held. Then it was time for Bingo. Joan and Gary had collected Bingo gifts and instructed us on the many ways to play Bingo. We played many games and all were winners. Some prizes were traded but all brought laughter and many comments. Helen passed out peppermint candy canes and read the origin of its many features. Nineteen members and guests departed laughing and smiling.

Our next meeting is January 9th (2nd Tuesday) at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Helen will have the devotions. Lunch will be chili; however, if you are not a chili fan, additional options will be available. We will be playing regifting Bingo. A sign-up sheet for lunch will be posted. Each person is asked to bring 3 re-gifting items that you have at home for Bingo prizes.

Up and Going

Posted November 26, 2019 By admin

On Thursday, Nov 14th Up and Going had 18 members and guests gather in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy an early Thanksgiving.

  • Business was conducted, and the Treasurer’s Report was given by Bob.
  • The meeting schedule for 2020 was distributed and discussed.
  • Gary gave a very interesting devotional on giving thanks. We read responsively “A Family Prayer of Thanks”.
  • Helen gave a prayer of thanks for the bountiful and delicious meal prepared for our enjoyment.
  • After lunch, Helen read a Helen Steiner Rice poem entitled “A Special Thank You”. She also read a hymn of Thanksgiving and Harvest.
  • We collected the recipes that each had brought for our cookbook. We talked freely about the origins of these recipes and the customs of past Thanksgivings. This discussion brought back precious memories of our loved ones.
  • Helen thanked all for the generous gifts of food for We Care.
  • The December Meeting will be held on the Dec 12th at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring Holiday food for sharing and 3 items of non-perishable food for We Care. This will be our gift to each other this year. Joan will have devotions.

Hope to see you then.

Up and Going

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

Thursday, Oct 12th, was a beautiful day as thirteen boarded the St. Jacob’s Express for our next adventure. A short business meeting was held. Helen gave the devotions based on travels and the wonders God has created for our enjoyment. She challenged us to find something new today and give our thanks to God for this gift.

The group headed to the Center for Advanced Technical Studies located on the Spring Hill High School Campus. Mr. Will McGinty, Assistant Director for the CATS Center, welcomed us for our scheduled tour. Imagine our delight when the first room we passed, we met Sandy Ellisor, a fellow member of St. Jacob’s. Several of the areas we toured were different pods, classrooms, and work laboratories. Some of the areas were Engineering Design, Aerospace Engineering, Robot Technology, Movie and Journalism Technology, Computer Nerd Laboratory, Electricity Lab, Construction Technology, Criminal Justice Technology, Veterinary Services, Firefighter Lab, Energy Technology, Nurses/Health Sciences, Hospitality Services, and The Commons Area.

An interesting fact of the Firefighter Lab Studies is students are ready to be hired as a firefighter…ready to go to work, no other training required. Viewing the Chef’s Galley with students measuring, cooking, and performing other aspects of the preparation of food was interesting. The Chef answered questions and gave pertinent comments. Fair food was being prepared that day which consisted of funnel cakes, corn dogs, and cookies. They smelled so good.

This list does not include all areas of study and on-hands training. Our tour ended with a question and answer session and informative comments by Mr. McGinty. The CATS Center is a state-of-the-art facility and serves as an example for local schools and international programs. Approximately 1,000 students attend the CATS Center each day. Last year 11,000 people enjoyed these tours. The CATS Center was simply fascinating to see what is available for our youth to learn. Each area has numerous computers, used for study and design. These classes help to send youth out into the world prepared to work or to obtain certification in much less time than normal. These programs benefit both college and non-college bound youth.

To say that we were impressed is an understatement. We were amazed. If only we could of had this opportunity!

Fellowship and lunch was enjoyed at Roma’s on Main Street, Prosperity. After lunch, we headed back to St. Jacob’s. Watch the worship folders and bulletin board for November Meeting information.


Team Leader,

Up and Going

Up and Going

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Thursday, Sept 12th began bright, sunshiny and warm as the Up and Going group arrived at St. Jacob’s Church and began loading the St. Jacob’s Express to go to Hendersonville, NC for the annual Apple Run. Eighteen members and guests were on board and Helen, Team Leader gave the devotions based on the fruits of the Spirit. She reminded us that we, as older adults, possess love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, all fruits of the Spirit and that God expects us to use these gifts. We are never too old to be of use to God. Pastor Brad Hales information sheet “Engaging the Aging” was passed around for all to read. There are always things that we can do to make our world a better place no matter our age or station in life. When we can do very little else, we can always pray for our Church and others. Remember to pray for, Gloria Z. and Gloria D., we miss having them with us. The Treasurer’s report was given and other business was discussed.

Gerald took us on the scenic route to Hendersonville via Lake Lure, the Flower Bridge and Chimney Rock. We laughed and talked about other adventures in the mountains. We ate a delicious lunch at Bay Breeze Seafood Restaurant in Hendersonville. Next was Lyda Farms to buy apples, cabbage, tomatoes, honey and all sorts of goodies including pumpkins. The bus was loaded with our treasures. An unexpected stop was at Grandad’s Apples to purchase fried apple pies, apple dumplings, cider, ice cream and other treats. Oh, Oh, so good! Loaded with treats, hot and tired we headed home. The bus buzzed with chatter and laughter as we made our way back to St. Jacob’s around 5 PM. We were hot and tired but all agreed that it had been a great day together!!

The October Meeting is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday in October, Oct 10th. We will go to the Happy Cow Creamery in Pelzer. Watch your worship folders for more information.


Team Leader

Up and Going

Up and Going

Posted August 28, 2019 By admin

The 2019 4 Churches meeting was held on August 22nd  at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, in downtown Little Mountain.  

Upon arrival, we found the New Life Center was decorated with beautiful sunflower arrangements, inviting each person to come on in and prepare to have a good time together.  The Theme for the day was Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often; To laugh through life is to live with smiles in your heart and enjoy life.  

We were heartily welcomed by President Janet Fulmer.  Each Church was introduced, with   St. Jacob’s having 18 in attendance. Devotions included reading of a poem by Irma Bombeck entitled Live Life, We then sang “Love Lifted Me”, followed by a reading reminding us that God has a sense of humor and that God laughs at OUR plans. The devotions concluded with prayer. Pastor Brett Collins welcomed us and gave the meal blessing.    

A bountiful, delicious meal with lots of salads, vegetables, casseroles and country fried steak with rice and gravy (provided by Holy Trinity) was enjoyed by all. 

Entertainment was provided by Pastor Jackie Utley of Ascension Lutheran Church and Pastor Jason Shafer of St. Luke Lutheran.  Pastor Jason played the guitar and Pastor Jackie played the tambourine and lead the singing, and sing we did!  Some songs were in honor of Woodstock’s 50th Anniversary and some were just for fun.  We learned a new song… The Butter Bean Song.  It was different but So funny. We laughed, sang then laughed some more.  Prizes were given throughout the gathering. 

The meeting closed and we departed with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. We   have enjoyed the company of old friends, made new friends and simply enjoyed each other’s company.  The 2020 meeting will be hosted by Macedonia.  

Remember:  Snoopy says:  Good Laughs and long sleep makes all things better. 

September is the Annual Apple Run……more details to follow.

Up and Going

Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

Up and Going members and guests boarded the St. Jacob’s Express, with Gerald driving, to spend the day at the SC Farmer’s Market. Helen gave the devotions based on the surprising gifts from the farm.

A short business meeting was held before we left for the Market.

Arrangements were made by Tracy for us to visit the labs at the Consumer Protection Lab and Metrology Lab located at the Market. The laboratories are under the direction of the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.

At the Consumer Protection Lab, we toured the Petroleum Lab, the Pesticide Residue Lab, The Seed Lab, Planting and Germination Rooms, the Dog, Cat, Horse Feed Lab and the Food Lab. Each individual lab provided a knowledgeable person to explain the workings of the lab and to answer any questions.

The tour continued to another building which houses the Metrology Lab, there we visited the Precision Weights Lab, the Grain Lab, Small Volume Lab, the Large Volume Lab and Small Mass Lab. These are the most fascinating labs. These labs ensure that the food items, animal foods, fuels, seeds and other items are the correct weights, items as listed, germinations of seeds are correct and in general are as labeled on the pack. Gas Station fuel pumps are checked for weight per gallon and contents as marked. The fuel pumps are labeled with a sticker stating the month and year that it was inspected. Each gas station should be checked once per year. We were overwhelmed with information but thankfully assured that someone was checking things that we all consume. We left the Labs with a huge appreciation for the work that these wonderful people perform daily. A special thank you to all who made this trip so enjoyable.

Lunch was enjoyed by all at the Market Restaurant. The food was delicious and reasonably priced. We spent a few minutes in The Tea Room browsing around and checking out all of the items made in SC.

Our tour of the Farmer’s Market concluded with a walk-on bus tour with Brad. We toured the fruit and vegetable sheds, the commercial sheds, the out of state vendors shed and other sheds in that area. Gerald then took us into the fruit/vegetable shed, parked the bus and gave us time to shop. Favorite items purchased were tomatoes, peaches, watermelons and cantaloupes. We stopped at the flower sheds and some purchased flowers. What a wonderful day we enjoyed together!

The August meeting will be the 4 Churches Meeting. It will be held on Thursday, August 22nd at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New Life Center at 11 AM. We each are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. The meat, drinks, etc. will be provided by Holy Trinity. Please arrive at Holy Trinity by 11am. This is surely to be an enjoyable meeting.

Up and Going

Posted June 26, 2019 By admin

Fourteen members and guests gathered on Thursday, June 13th in the Fellowship Hall for the monthly Up and Going Meeting. Devotions were given by Helen Lindler on Pentecost. An interesting note from the devotions was information on the Holy Ghost Hole. In the Middle Ages, many Catholic churches had what was called a “Holy Ghost Hole”. This was an opening in the ceiling, which allowed a dove and red rose petals to be dramatically released on Pentecost Sunday, during the Gospel about the first Pentecost. We enjoyed a bountiful and delicious meal of salads and such. Thank you to all that provided such tasty food. The program was provided by Mrs. Amanda. She and her husband have a small farm in Prosperity with an emerging goat farm business. They have 5 Nubriun milk goats. From the milk gathered each day, Amanda is making goat milk soap, cheeses, yogurt and other products. She brought cinnamon, lavender and black raspberry soaps for us to admire and purchase. We enjoyed hearing about her farm and the many facts about her goats and the many process steps and facts about cheese and soap making. We sincerely appreciate Amanda sharing with us. We came away knowing more than we did before and that is always a good thing. The July Meeting will be a trip to the SC State Farmers Market on July 11th (2nd Thursday). Gerald will drive the bus and a car will also go for those who can’t ride the bus. We will leave St. Jacob’s at 9 AM and return between 2-3 PM. Hope to see you then.

Up and Going News

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

May 9th was a gloriously beautiful day, just right for the Up and Going meeting. Twenty members and guests gathered in the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish lunch and a painting party.
Devotions were led by Helen and based on springtime gardening which reminded us of how dirt from our gardening is similar to sin and the need for cleansing. The business portion of the meeting followed with the Treasurer’s report and plans for the June meeting were discussed.
Our resident artist, Nicki, provided the pro-gram. She taught us about art, and we got to try our hands at painting a picture. After getting setup with our aprons, canvases, paints, and brushes, Nicki revealed that we would be painting a picture of a bumble bee. She instructed us on mixing colors and different brush strokes. She demonstrated each brush stroke, and we attempted to follow her instructions. Somehow, our bumble bees did not look anything like hers. Our bumble bees were quite interesting and had unique personalities. We laughed and had a great time. Nicki suggested that our art work could possibly become the next white elephant Christmas gift. We all have a new appreciation for art and Nicki’s talent and patience in art. Thank you Nicki for making this such a fun meeting. We really enjoyed painting and spending time with you.
The June meeting will be held on June 13th (2nd Thursday) at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone attending is asked to bring a salad or such that you wish to share. The program will be presented by Mrs. Amanda. She owns and operates an emerging goat farm and goat products business. Helen will provide devotions. Hope to see you there.