The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend our mid-week Advent services beginning on Wednesday, December 1st, at 7:00 PM. Our theme this year is “A Christmas Journey.” Congregation members will present dramatic readings telling the story of the Holy Family’s trip to Bethlehem in anticipation of Christ’s birth. Characters include, Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, and the Innkeeper. Join us as we await the celebration of Christmas and the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Worship and Music Archive
Mid-Week Advent Worship
Posted December 12, 2021 By adminChristmas Morning Worship
Posted December 10, 2021 By adminYears ago, I was confronted by a church member concerning Worship on Christmas Day. That particular year, Christmas was on Sunday and this certain church member wanted to know if we would be having worship that morning. Of course, we did have worship. After all, Sunday is the Lord’s Day regardless of any other celebration we might want to observe. That instance set in motion a practice that I have observed every year since. As a pastor, it breaks my heart that the vast majority of churches remain closed on Christmas morning, one of the holiest days of the year. I have made it my tradition to offer a worship service every year on Christmas morning for those who would desire to come celebrate Christmas with worship and Holy Communion. This year will be no different. Worship with holy communion will be Christmas morning at 10:00 AM. All are invited to keep Christ in Christmas and worship at St. Jacob’s during this simple Christmas morning service. It is a “come as you are” opportunity to gather with your church family. Over the years, I have witnessed children in pajamas, adults in relaxed and casual dress, all coming to sing the praises of a God who would provide the most precious gift of all, the birth of a Savior who is Christ the Lord. Everyone is most certainly welcome. Come make a joyful noise and share in the blessing of Christmas with your church family.
Choir Notes
Posted November 30, 2021 By adminJoy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive its King.
We will soon be singing these words once again, and this year we have so much to be joyful about.
As I write this, I am thinking of all I need to do to prepare for my family coming for Thanksgiving. It is the first time since the pandemic started that I will be gathering with all my children to celebrate the holidays. I am indeed filled with joy. As a church family, we will gather on Christmas eve to celebrate the birth of our Lord without having to sit apart from each other and we will be able to sing boldly our praises to God. So please join us for caroling, for our children’s program, and on Christmas eve to thank and praise God for all his blessings, most especially the gift of his son.
Let every heart, prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing!
Dates to remember:
December 5th
Children’s choir rehearsal 4:00-5:00 PM.
Christmas program rehearsal 5:00-5:30 PM.
December 12th
Children’s choir rehearsal at 3:00 PM.
Christmas caroling at 4:00 PM.
December 18th
Christmas program rehearsal 9:00 AM.
December 19th
Children’s choir rehearsal 4:00-5:00 PM.
Children’s Christmas program 6:00 PM.
Reaching Out With Worship
Posted November 30, 2021 By adminBeginning on Sunday, December 5th, Pastor David will be leading a brief worship service in the lobby at Generations. This service will take place at 1:30 PM. every other Sunday. Several St. Jacob’s church family members reside at Generations and it will be good to share a time of Word and Sacrament with them and the rest of the residents. Several have remarked about how much they enjoyed our singing for them in October and are looking forward to Sunday worship. Volunteers to assist in singing familiar hymns and distributing communion would be appreciated. If you would like to help out, please contact Pastor David.
Advent Vespers
Posted November 30, 2021 By adminThe theme for our Advent Vespers will be “A Christmas Journey” featuring four dramatic readings presented by St. Jacob’s church family members. This set of monologues highlights the inner thoughts of four characters deeply involved in the divine drama of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus. Below is our schedule for mid-week Advent services.
December 1st – Joseph: The Stepfather
December 8th – Mary: The Favored One
December 15th – John: The Preparer
December 22nd – The Innkeeper
Advent Vespers will begin at 7:00 PM each Wednesday during the season. We will also receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at each service. Please plan to attend each week as we anticipate the celebration of Christmas.
St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir
Posted November 1, 2021 By adminThe St. Jacob’s choir will be meeting for rehearsals on Wednesdays. Please plan on attending. There is always room for more who would enjoy the fellowship of this small group ministry and making a joyful noise unto the Lord. There is no musical experience or special ability required. Just come and join the group.
St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir
Posted October 10, 2021 By adminAs we continue to return to pre-pandemic activities, one of the final steps for our worship services is to restore the choir to singing each Sunday. Choir rehearsals are held each Wednesday evening following our mid-week worship service. If you have not ever considered being a part of the choir, please consider this to be your invitation. You don’t need to have the most splendid singing voice. All you need is a desire for enhancing the worship of our congregation as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord on Sunday mornings. Anyone who is interested should contact Angela for more information.
St. Jacob’s Homecoming 2021
Posted September 15, 2021 By adminOur annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 10th. Having missed out on homecoming in 2020 due to the pandemic we can all look forward to a wonderful service. Please invite members of St. Jacob’s past and present to join us. Our Homecoming guest preacher will be our old friend, Pastor Marty Ramey. Please circle the date on your calendars and be sure to come enjoy the celebration.
Seminary President Visit
Posted September 10, 2021 By adminThe Rev. Dr. Eric Riesen, President of the North American Lutheran Seminary will visit St. Jacob’s on Sun-day, September 26th. As you may recall, Dr. Riesen was scheduled to visit with us in July but due to a family issue his visit needed to be rescheduled. Dr. Riesen will lead a group discussion on the structure of the NALC’s seminary network structure, the need for congregations to be involved in the development of pastors for the future and also will help us to understand what we can do to support the seminary network. Be sure to attend and welcome Pastor Riesen to St. Jacob’s.
St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir
Posted August 30, 2021 By adminAs we continue to return to pre-pandemic activities, one of the final steps for our worship services is to restore the choir to singing each Sunday. Angela Nuottila has volunteered to serve as our interim Choir Director until the congregation finds someone who will assume this position permanently. Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday evenings following our mid-week worship service. We have certainly missed having an adult choir during worship. Our children’s choir has done a marvelous job of providing music for our worship services, and we are very thankful for their talent. If you have not ever considered being a part of the choir, please consider this to be your invitation. You don’t need to have the most splendid singing voice. All you need is a desire for enhancing the worship of our congregation as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord on Sunday morning. Anyone who is interested should contact Angela for more information.