Worship Service Archive

Choir Notes

Posted January 3, 2022 By admin

“Music is one of the fairest and most glorious gifts of God” Martin Luther.
Beginning on Christmas Eve, we are returning to singing hymns during the administration of communion. Although many think of the Rite of Communion as a very private, personal encounter with God, we actually need to look at the name of the rite itself, communion, to see that it is actually a time of community. It is the moment in our service when we join not just with the other members of our congregation but also with the saints of all times and in all places. We meet each other at the table as one body of Christ with our hands outstretched to receive our Lord’s body and blood which he so selflessly gave to us all. The purpose of singing during communion which starts with our singing of Lamb of God is to unite our spirits through the unity of our voices as we go forward to the table. We continue to sing throughout the distribution joining our voices with those gathered around the throne of heaven.
Luther tells us that “next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise…After all, the gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to man to let him know that he should praise God with both word and music.”
So please raise your voice during communion. Join the hymn and sing along with all your loved ones who have gone before you, all your friends and family scattered around the world giving praise to God for his gift of salvation.
God bless you,

Elders of St. Jacob’s From Pastor David

Posted January 3, 2022 By admin

At a recent meeting, several Mission District pastors lamented about the unavailability of NALC supply pastors within the Carolinas. Currently, there are few retired NALC pastors available for supply. During August you will recall that when I was quarantined due to Covid-19, we did not have Holy Communion at worship on the two Sundays I was away. That was because there were no pastors available for pulpit supply. The issue came again in October for several of our South Carolina NALC pastors who hoped to take some much-needed vacation time. Again, there were not enough supply pastors to fill in.
The answer to this problem was for pastors to identify lay members who are gifted to serve as Elders to lead worship in the pastor’s absence when no supply pastor is available. An Elder is a lay person authorized to distribute consecrated elements of bread and wine for Holy Communion. Elders are trained by the pastor and act under his direction.
Being an Elder is an extraordinary ministry which does not take the place of the ministry of ordained clergy but serves as a means to distribute Holy Communion during a time of unavoidable pastoral absence. Here at St. Jacob’s, I have identified four persons who I believe are gifted to serve in such capacity. David, Carroll, Sherrie, and A.J. have all completed brief training with me to serve as Elders for St. Jacob’s. They will be authorized by me to distribute the Sacrament if I am not able, and no supply pastor is available. These four Elders will be publicly recognized on January 2nd.

Mid-Week Advent Worship

Posted December 12, 2021 By admin

The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend our mid-week Advent services beginning on Wednesday, December 1st, at 7:00 PM. Our theme this year is “A Christmas Journey.” Congregation members will present dramatic readings telling the story of the Holy Family’s trip to Bethlehem in anticipation of Christ’s birth. Characters include, Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, and the Innkeeper. Join us as we await the celebration of Christmas and the birth of our Lord and Savior.

Christmas Morning Worship

Posted December 10, 2021 By admin

Years ago, I was confronted by a church member concerning Worship on Christmas Day. That particular year, Christmas was on Sunday and this certain church member wanted to know if we would be having worship that morning. Of course, we did have worship. After all, Sunday is the Lord’s Day regardless of any other celebration we might want to observe. That instance set in motion a practice that I have observed every year since. As a pastor, it breaks my heart that the vast majority of churches remain closed on Christmas morning, one of the holiest days of the year. I have made it my tradition to offer a worship service every year on Christmas morning for those who would desire to come celebrate Christmas with worship and Holy Communion. This year will be no different. Worship with holy communion will be Christmas morning at 10:00 AM. All are invited to keep Christ in Christmas and worship at St. Jacob’s during this simple Christmas morning service. It is a “come as you are” opportunity to gather with your church family. Over the years, I have witnessed children in pajamas, adults in relaxed and casual dress, all coming to sing the praises of a God who would provide the most precious gift of all, the birth of a Savior who is Christ the Lord. Everyone is most certainly welcome. Come make a joyful noise and share in the blessing of Christmas with your church family.

Choir Notes

Posted November 30, 2021 By admin

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive its King.
We will soon be singing these words once again, and this year we have so much to be joyful about.
As I write this, I am thinking of all I need to do to prepare for my family coming for Thanksgiving. It is the first time since the pandemic started that I will be gathering with all my children to celebrate the holidays. I am indeed filled with joy. As a church family, we will gather on Christmas eve to celebrate the birth of our Lord without having to sit apart from each other and we will be able to sing boldly our praises to God. So please join us for caroling, for our children’s program, and on Christmas eve to thank and praise God for all his blessings, most especially the gift of his son.
Let every heart, prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing!
Dates to remember:
December 5th
Children’s choir rehearsal 4:00-5:00 PM.
Christmas program rehearsal 5:00-5:30 PM.
December 12th
Children’s choir rehearsal at 3:00 PM.
Christmas caroling at 4:00 PM.
December 18th
Christmas program rehearsal 9:00 AM.
December 19th
Children’s choir rehearsal 4:00-5:00 PM.
Children’s Christmas program 6:00 PM.

Reaching Out With Worship

Posted November 30, 2021 By admin

Beginning on Sunday, December 5th, Pastor David will be leading a brief worship service in the lobby at Generations. This service will take place at 1:30 PM. every other Sunday. Several St. Jacob’s church family members reside at Generations and it will be good to share a time of Word and Sacrament with them and the rest of the residents. Several have remarked about how much they enjoyed our singing for them in October and are looking forward to Sunday worship. Volunteers to assist in singing familiar hymns and distributing communion would be appreciated. If you would like to help out, please contact Pastor David.

Advent Vespers

Posted November 30, 2021 By admin

The theme for our Advent Vespers will be “A Christmas Journey” featuring four dramatic readings presented by St. Jacob’s church family members. This set of monologues highlights the inner thoughts of four characters deeply involved in the divine drama of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus. Below is our schedule for mid-week Advent services.
December 1st – Joseph: The Stepfather
December 8th – Mary: The Favored One
December 15th – John: The Preparer
December 22nd – The Innkeeper
Advent Vespers will begin at 7:00 PM each Wednesday during the season. We will also receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at each service. Please plan to attend each week as we anticipate the celebration of Christmas.

Mid-Week Advent Worship

Posted November 1, 2021 By admin

The season of Advent is just around the corner with the First Sunday in Advent being Nov. 28th. On Wednesday, December 1st we will begin Mid-Week Advent worship. Anyone who would like to volunteer to present a dramatic monologue should contact Pastor David.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Posted November 1, 2021 By admin

It’s hard to believe but it is time once again for our Thanksgiving Eve worship service. In years past, St. Jacob’s participated in a community project to supply families with traditional Thanksgiving meals provided by The Hub. Last year in the midst of the pandemic, The Hub ceased providing such meals and so we turned our hearts to support We Care. This year, it is hoped that we will find a way to expand our ministry to those in need who are our neighbors in the surrounding community. Please keep an eye on the weekly bulletin announcements and also the mid-month Grace Notes for further details.

St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir

Posted October 10, 2021 By admin

As we continue to return to pre-pandemic activities, one of the final steps for our worship services is to restore the choir to singing each Sunday. Choir rehearsals are held each Wednesday evening following our mid-week worship service. If you have not ever considered being a part of the choir, please consider this to be your invitation. You don’t need to have the most splendid singing voice. All you need is a desire for enhancing the worship of our congregation as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord on Sunday mornings. Anyone who is interested should contact Angela for more information.