Our annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 10th. Having missed out on Homecoming in 2020 due to the pandemic, we can all look forward to a day of wonderful fellowship. Please invite members of St. Jacob’s past and present to join us. Our Homecoming guest preacher will be our old friend, Pastor Marty Ramey. Later that afternoon, church family members are invited to go sing for St. Jacob’s members who are not able to attend worship. We will share time with them singing some of those good old hymns that everyone loves to sing while visiting folks whom we have not seen for a while. Join us on October 10th at 3 PM. We will travel in cars and share the gift of the church’s music making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Please circle the date on your calendars and be sure to come enjoy this day of celebration.
Worship Service Archive
Homecoming 2021
Posted September 30, 2021 By adminSeminary President Visit
Posted September 30, 2021 By adminThe Rev. Dr. Eric Riesen, President of the North American Lutheran Seminary, joined us on Sunday September 26th and led a small group discussion on the NALC Seminary network. Following his presentation, Pastor Riesen served as our guest preacher for the day. Pastor Riesen wanted to pass along his regards to everyone and say that he noticed the congregation at St. Jacob’s is one that certainly shares the warmth and welcoming nature of God’s love. We are thankful for the opportunity to greet Pastor Eric and ask God’s continued blessings upon him and our North American Lutheran Seminary.
St. Jacob’s Homecoming 2021
Posted September 15, 2021 By adminOur annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 10th. Having missed out on homecoming in 2020 due to the pandemic we can all look forward to a wonderful service. Please invite members of St. Jacob’s past and present to join us. Our Homecoming guest preacher will be our old friend, Pastor Marty Ramey. Please circle the date on your calendars and be sure to come enjoy the celebration.
Seminary President Visit
Posted September 10, 2021 By adminThe Rev. Dr. Eric Riesen, President of the North American Lutheran Seminary will visit St. Jacob’s on Sun-day, September 26th. As you may recall, Dr. Riesen was scheduled to visit with us in July but due to a family issue his visit needed to be rescheduled. Dr. Riesen will lead a group discussion on the structure of the NALC’s seminary network structure, the need for congregations to be involved in the development of pastors for the future and also will help us to understand what we can do to support the seminary network. Be sure to attend and welcome Pastor Riesen to St. Jacob’s.
St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir
Posted August 30, 2021 By adminAs we continue to return to pre-pandemic activities, one of the final steps for our worship services is to restore the choir to singing each Sunday. Angela Nuottila has volunteered to serve as our interim Choir Director until the congregation finds someone who will assume this position permanently. Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday evenings following our mid-week worship service. We have certainly missed having an adult choir during worship. Our children’s choir has done a marvelous job of providing music for our worship services, and we are very thankful for their talent. If you have not ever considered being a part of the choir, please consider this to be your invitation. You don’t need to have the most splendid singing voice. All you need is a desire for enhancing the worship of our congregation as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord on Sunday morning. Anyone who is interested should contact Angela for more information.
St. Jacob’s Chancel Choir
Posted July 29, 2021 By adminAs we continue to return to pre-pandemic activities, one of the final steps for our worship services is to restore the choir to singing each Sunday. Angela Nuottila has volunteered to serve as our interim Choir Director until the congregation finds someone who will assume this position permanently. Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday evenings following our mid-week worship service. We have certainly missed having an adult choir during worship. Our children’s choir has done a marvelous job of providing music for our worship services, and we are very thankful for their talent. If you have not ever considered being a part of the choir, please consider this to be your invitation. You don’t need to have the most splendid singing voice. All you need is a desire for enhancing the worship of our congregation as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord on Sunday morning. Anyone who is interested should contact Angela for more information.
Pastoral Devotion For July
Posted July 1, 2021 By adminLISTEN, HEAR, UNDERSTAND
Matthew 13:18-23, 1 Timothy 2:1-6,
Leviticus 26:1-20
I am amazed by people who solve math problems with relative ease. Math is not my forte; I do not have a head for numbers. In the classroom, I needed to concentrate on every word from my teacher’s lips, yet solving equations still came with difficulty. I simply didn’t understand the concepts. Those who perform well in math do so because they not only understand, they can visualize the steps in determin-ing the solution. But solving the problem is not always enough. At some point, one must put what is learned into practice.
Our lessons today have to do with hearing and understanding. In Leviticus, God calls the Israelites to hear his commands and understand them as the parameters of godly living. Paul teaches the church in 1 Timothy that loving, caring and praying for one another leads to a peaceful and blessed life. In Matthew, Jesus says those who receive God’s Word and understand it are those who hold fast to all Christ commanded.
In a world where everything seems to be changing at warp speed, it is imperative that Christians take time each day to read their Bible. Only when we dwell within the Word, reading and studying it together, can we gain further understanding of what God intends for his people. Only then can we put what we have learned into practice. Take time to read the passages listed above. Listen as God speaks to you. Hear the Good News. Pray for understanding.
Lord, fill me with your Spirit, that I may hear, understand and live according to your Word. Amen.
Acolyte Appreciation
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminOn Sunday, July 18th, we will recognize the contributions of our younger members who serve as worship assistants. Our acolytes perform an important task during worship services. Not only do they share the light of Christ as they light the candles as we begin our worship, they are the ones who assist the pastor as needed when things pop up during the service.
We are blessed to have several of our children serve at God’s altar. Please say a word of encouragement to them as they grow and learn what it means to become an active participant within the worship services of Christ’s church.
Women’s Bible Study
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminThe Proverbs 31 Woman study is a nine session study that gives a realistic look into the lives of a number of biblical women, both from the Old and New Testaments. Each chapter is based on a specific theme from Proverbs 31, and looks at how it was exemplified in that woman’s life story. The eight women described in this study were not examples of perfection. They were ordinary, imperfect human beings like the rest of us. But God used them as his instruments, to his glory. The traits and character exemplified by these biblical women give us an insight into the way God trans-forms our lives of faith in Christ. We will meet every Tuesday at 10:30 AM starting on July 13th. Please reach out to Rachel if you would like to participate or have any questions. An email has been sent out with more details. Please let us know if you did not receive it.
Return To One Worship Service
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminWith the lifting of pandemic restrictions and practices, St. Jacob’s will return to hosting a single worship service on Sunday mornings. As we return to one service, we will do so while observing a new worship time. Beginning July 4, 2021, worship on Sunday morning will begin at 10:00 AM with Sunday school beginning at 9:00 AM.
Also, the return to one service means that we will have our worship assistants return to their pre-pandemic routines. Ushers will once again greet worshipers at the door and hand out bulletins. They will also pass the offering plates through the congregation at the appropriate point in our service. Communion assistants will resume pouring the wine from our pouring chalices. Acolytes will wear robes and remain in the chancel to assist the pastor when needed. And those who served as crucifer will resume that duty as well. Currently the plan is to have the choir re-convene on the first Sunday of August (August 1st).
It will be good to return to the worship practices that we have been missing for so long. Anyone who desires to volunteer as a worship assistant should contact the church office to have their name added to the appropriate list of volunteers.