December was a busy month, as usual. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, there are those magical moments where one can sense the presence of God. The Christmas program, presented by the Children’s Choir, was one such moment. Others were found in the Wednesday Advent services, the Blue Christmas service, the Christmas Day service, Lessons and Carols on the 29th and of course in the Christmas Eve service.
I want to thank everyone who provided music for any of the December services; your willingness to share your musical talents for the enrichment of worship services is truly appreciated, both by the congregation and by me.
We come now to the beginning of a new year and a new opportunity to become involved in some way with the music ministry at St. Jacob’s. God has given us all unique gifts and talents to use for His glory and to bring His word to a world in need. Please prayerfully consider using those talents in our music ministry.
Happy New Year and Soli Deo Gloria, Laurie