If you are making your summer plans, don’t forget to leave the dates of June 17th-20th open for VBS. Continue to watch your worship folder for more details and how you can help this year.
Worship Service Archive
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminOn Sunday, June 2nd the confirmation participants will have their public examination at 4 PM with a dinner to follow at 5 PM in the fellowship hall. The confirmands will be confirmed on Sunday, June 9th during the worship service.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminOn Sunday, May 26th, we would like to recognize all of St. Jacob’s high school graduates during the service. Please contact Sherry in the church office no later than May 12th or email ChurchOffice@st-jacobs.org if your graduate will be attending. Thanks in advance for your quick response so that we don’t miss anyone and they are included in the worship folder.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminWith so many people on the go these days, there are times when Sunday morning worship is not a possibility. This is true of our community, and it is true of our congregation as well. In an effort to provide a weekly opportunity for worship and receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion, Pastor David has informed the church council that he will begin leading a mid-week worship service.
The service will commence on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:30 PM. This will be a weekly occurrence in which the surrounding community, friends and family mem-bers may come and worship in a relaxed atmosphere.
Please share this information freely with those whom you meet. Invite others into our midst so that we may share the treasure entrusted to us, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminIt is with a grateful heart and sharing in the joy of Easter that I wish to say thank you to all the volunteers who assisted during Lent and Holy Week. From the food we shared, to the dramatic readings we heard, and the music that filled our sanctuary, our journey to the cross was reflective and faithful. God bless you all for sharing your gifts. And may God continue to bless the family of St. Jacob’s as we strive to do God’s work in this place.
In Christ, Pastor David Nuottila
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminA huge thank you: to everyone who prepared & served meals during Lent; to everyone who assisted with worship services; to all the musicians who gave of their time and talents to enhance the music for the worship services. You are all true blessings to this congregation.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for May 19th to attend the children’s choir musical and spaghetti supper. This is a free-will donation event to support our children’s choir and to raise funds to purchase choir robes for them. These children have worked so hard this year and we hope that you will consider donating to the choir robe fund.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminAre you making Summer plans? All of us need time away from our routine to refresh and recharge! It is the same for our faith life! Doing more than the routine can really ignite our spiritual walk with the Lord, especially with the young Christians.
Plans for Vacation Bible School at St. Jacob’s will soon be underway.
Please do the following in preparation of this year’s event:
1) Pray for the attendees and leaders
2) Prayfully consider serving as part of this year’s VBS team
3) Go ahead and mark your calendars for June 17th—June 20th
4) Watch upcoming worship folders for more detailed information.
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminThe Festival worship service for the Resurrection of Our Lord will be held on Easter Sunday, April 21st beginning at 9:30 AM. Our annual Easter congregational breakfast will be served prior to worship at 8 AM. Notice, there will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Sunday school will resume on April 28th. With shouts of “Alleluia!” we look forward to the celebration of Easter and Jesus’ conquering of the grave. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us and hear again the gospel truth that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!
The Great Vigil of Easter
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminThe Great Vigil of Easter, a traditional worship service of Christian churches, concludes the Triduum (Three days) and serves as the onset of the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Historically, it is during this service that those preparing for Baptism or Church membership are received into full communion within the Church. The Great Vigil is held in the hours of darkness between Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday.
Among liturgical western churches, including the Lutheran Church, Anglican and Roman Catholics, the Easter Vigil is the most important service of public worship of the liturgical year. The liturgy of the Easter Vigil recounts the salvation history of God’s people from the creation of the heavens and earth, through the manifestation of God’s long-awaited Messiah. The celebration is marked by the first use of the “Alleluia” since the beginning of Lent.
This year, the congregations of St. Jacob’s and New Hope Lutheran Churches will begin the tradition of keeping Easter Vigil together. Join us at St. Jacob’s on April 20th, Holy Saturday, at 7 PM for this most holy and elaborate service of the year.
Good Friday
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminOur Good Friday Tenebrae service will begin at 7 PM on Friday, April 19th. The Service of Shadows is a traditional worship service recounting the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, his death and burial. The somber tones of the service remind us of Jesus’s suffering for our sake. It is the second worship opportunity of the Triduum.