Worship And Music

We had an AWESOME choir workshop on Saturday, August 17th!  It sure feels good to have already looked at and worked on music for Advent and Christmas, so that when things get really busy after Thanksgiving, we’ll be ahead of the game.  We also had time to work on the upcoming fall anthems, because September seems to sneak up on us when we’re on summer break (wonder how that happens?) 

Angela and I have worked on the schedule and musical selections for the Children’s Choir and we’re very excited about what’s coming up this fall.  From getting new choir robes to helping the children discover and develop their talents, it is shaping up to be another great year for our youngsters (and us two young-at-heart-ers!)

 The Handbell Choir will be taking an extended break for the foreseeable future.  I will be using this time to assess and reevaluate the role of handbells in our worship services and discern the path forward. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated during this process.  As always, thank you to the congregation for your continued support of the music ministry at St. Jacob’s.

Soli Deo Gloria,