Worship Service Archive

Choir Notes

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Our St. Jacob’s choirs continue to gather and grow. Our youth members in grades 4 and up have been rehearsing handbells each Sunday and have enjoyed playing during our Sunday services.

Our Children’s Choir, (grades K-3) have been busy learning new songs. As they continue to gain confidence they too will share their gift of music with the congregation during worship.

And finally, our adult Chancel Choir continues to rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and always has room for more.

I would like to encourage members of our church family of all ages to consider how you might participate in the music ministry of St. Jacob’s. Even if you are only able to share your musical talent from time to time, there are many opportunities for special music.

Anyone who might be interested in learning Hand Bells is strongly encouraged to contact me so we might explore this opportunity.

Please come and join us.

Fall Back One Hour on November 5th

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

It’s that time of year again, time to turn our clocks back one hour as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. To be on time for worship on Sunday, Nov. 6, be sure to set your clocks back before going to bed on Saturday November 5th. If you forget, well then you will have plenty of time to participate in Sunday school.

It is also a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors, emergency radios and flashlights. In this way we also prepare our homes and families for the long winter nights.

Choir Notes

Posted October 5, 2022 By admin

The days are cooling, everything pumpkin spice is on the menu and that means all our choirs are back in practice. This year there are a few changes to our St. Jacob’s choirs. Our youth in grades 4 and above are rehearsing hand bells each Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. We have started a new choir for our youngest St. Jacobs family members. Children in kindergarten through 3rd grade are meeting at 3 pm on Sunday afternoons for Children’s Choir. There are even changes for our adult choir. The Wednesday evening service will be held at 6:30 each Wednesday starting the first of October which allows our adult choir to practice from 7-8 pm starting immediately following the service. Please come and join us.

I’ve seen Christmas merchandise being put on the shelves in stores, so it is not too soon to be thinking about our Christmas music. If you would be willing to participate in special Christmas music for the season, please let me know. I would love to have a small hand bell group, and this would be a great time for you to participate in choir on a limited basis. Come learn the music for Christmas with us.

Lutheran Men’s Sunday

Posted September 29, 2022 By admin

St. Jacob’s Lutheran men led the congregation in worship on Sunday, September 25th. Thank you to all our men who participated and lent their gifts to the service of the church and sharing God’s Word among his people. Thank you also to St. Jacob’s Choir Director, Angela for assisting the men in their planning and participating in this service.

We are very thankful for the ministry of our St. Jacob’s men and pray that God would continue to bless them in their ministry among us.

Choir Notes

Posted September 5, 2022 By admin

Psalm 98:4-6
4 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;
5 make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing,
6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the Lord, the King.

There is no doubt that God loves our music. Throughout scripture we are told to offer songs to God. In 1Chronicles, we are told that after David’s armies had subdued Israel’s enemies, the people were able to settle and David assigned duties to the Levites, the clan chosen to be priests and care for all things related to worship. In 1Chronicles 23, David chooses 4000 men to be in charge of the music used in worship. David knew that our offering of music was pleasing to God.

In the book of Revelation, John is given a glimpse into heaven where he sees the heavenly host gathered around the Lamb of God singing. Verse 4 tells us that each of the elders holding a harp fell down before the Lamb and they sang a new song. Then angels numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand encircled the throne and sang. And finally John heard every creature in heaven and earth and under the earth and on the sea singing. There is no doubt that God loves our music. The music of our worship service is an offering to God. Just as we bring our gifts of money, and offer prayers and praise to God each Sunday, we also give an offering of music to God. Some of the songs of our worship are old familiar hymns that we love. Some of the hymns are newer and we may not be as familiar with them. But all of the hymns are an offering of music to our God and we join those elders, and angels and all the host of heaven and earth singing new songs and much loved songs to our Lord. On Sundays, sing out with gusto. If you can’t carry a tune, sing out with gusto, God will hear the beauty of your voice in offering to Him. If you aren’t familiar with the song, sing out with gusto. God will accept your offering with pleasure. If you are afraid to sing, sing out with gusto and join your voice to all those voices in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea. God will hear your offering and there is no doubt that God loves our music.

Men’s Bible Study

Posted August 26, 2022 By admin

Beginning on Monday, September 12th, Pastor David will offer a Bible study for the men of St. Jacob’s. Each Monday morning at 7 AM., we will meet in the Church Office Conference Room for approximately one hour. Each man who signs up to attend will receive a copy of the “Every Man’s Life Application Bible” which will be used as our primary text. Please contact Pastor David with your intent on participating so he can order your copy of the “Every Man’s Bible.”

Worship While Pastor David Is In The Congo

Posted July 28, 2022 By admin

Due to the current shortage of available supply pastors, worship on the Sundays of August 7th and 14th will be led by our St. Jacob’s Church Elders. They will lead us in liturgy and distribution of Holy Communion. On August 7th, David will be preaching a sermon written by Pastor David prior to his leaving for the Congo. On Sunday, August 14th Sherrie will be doing the same. We are blessed by the service of our Elders while our pastor is away.

Wednesday Services

Posted July 28, 2022 By admin

While Pastor David is in the Congo, we will not be having a Wednesday Evening Service on August 3rd, 10th, or 17th. We will start back on August 24th. Please mark your calendars.

Mid-Week Bible Study

Posted June 29, 2022 By admin

Mid-Week Bible Study continues in the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday morning at 10 AM. We are reading the book of Acts and learning more about the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ and the men whom Christ chose to establish it. No previous study is required, and the lessons are presented in such a way that it really doesn’t matter if you are joining in at the middle of our study or if you have attended each week. We have a very lively discussion and look forward to more church family members joining.

Vacation Bible School

Posted May 25, 2022 By admin

Sparks Studios 2022

VBS is back! Kids for Pre-K to 8th grade and their friends are invited to join us for a week of fun games, music, snacks, lessons, crafts, and much more. This year we will be diving into the awesomeness of God the Father, our Creator and Designer. The overwhelming joys of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit as He helps us throughout our lives.

VBS will begin with a light supper served at 5:45 PM and will conclude each evening about 8 PM. Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors as we offer praise and thanks to God for all he continues to do in the lives of his people. Mark it on your calendars starting on Monday, June 20th to Thursday, June 23rd at 5:45 PM.

We are currently seeking volunteers for a variety of roles, including:

Games coordinator

Lesson teacher

Meal provider

Craft makers

Volunteers for each age group Pre-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-8th,

If you are interested in helping us or have any questions, please reach out to: Matt, Sherrie McTeer or the Church office,

In Christ,

Matt Burt