Archive for April, 2018


Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

Are you making Summer plans? All of us need time away from our routine to refresh and recharge! It is the same for our faith life! Doing more than the routine can really ignite our spiritual walk with the Lord, especially with the young Christians. Plans for Vacation Bible School at St. Jacob’s will soon be underway.

1) Pray for the attendees and the leaders,
2) Prayerfully consider serving as part of the VBS team,
3) Mark your calendars for July 15-19 for VBS, and
4) Watch your worship folder for more details.

Campfirmation Service Project

Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

Each year, as part of our teaching on the season of Pentecost, our Campfirmation cluster has students engage in a service project to benefit our neighbors in need. This year we will be working with NALC Disaster Response, preparing emergency health and education kits for those displaced by natural disasters. Throughout the month of May, we will accept donations of items (all in original packaging) for these kits. A drop box will be located in the Fellowship Hall.


Heath Kit Items
Dark colored bath towels and wash cloths (new)
Bars of soap
Toothpaste, tooth brushes, dental floss
Combs and hairbrushes

School Kit Items
Spiral notebooks (please, no loose leaf paper)
Blunt scissors, Plastic rulers
Pencils and Erasers
Packages of construction paper
24 count box of crayons
++ Calculator (for high school students

What is your favorite hymn?

Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

Haven’t heard it sung lately? Wish we’d sing it more often? Well, here’s your chance. This summer, we’d like to sing YOUR favorite hymns as anthems. Put the title of the hymn (or lyrics if you’re unsure of the title) into the box in the narthex. Each week, starting on May 27th, one of the children will draw a hymn from the box and that hymn will be the anthem for the following Sunday. So don’t be shy – tell us those favorite hymns!

Graduate Recognition

Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

In May, we will be recognizing our 2018 graduates. If your child is graduating high school, please contact Sherry in the church office or send an email to including your child’s complete name, age, where they are graduating from, and what the next phase of their life will be by Sunday, May 6th so they can be listed in the worship folder in May and St. Jacob’s newsletter in June.

The Children’s Choir

Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

The Children’s Choir will practice on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, from 5-6 pm, in the church. See Laurie if you will be able to volunteer to assist her. We will continue to have a short, 10-minute music session at the beginning of Sunday School from 9:15 to 9:25 AM in the nave of the church, after which your children will be accompanied to their classrooms.

St. Jacob’s Youth News

Posted April 30, 2018 By admin

We will not have our normal scheduled meeting on May 6, so please make a note of that.

Remember we will meet on Sunday, May 20 at 5 PM.

Pastor’s Devotional for the Month

Posted April 1, 2018 By admin

John 20:1-18

“Early in the morning while it was still dark.” That is when Mary Magdalene went to visit Jesus’ tomb. It is likely she had no idea what she would do when she got there. The great stone would be blocking the entrance, and the other women who would assist with anointing his body would not arrive for some time. So in the darkness of her grief, Mary would wait, and she would mourn the death of Jesus.

Today, many still live in darkness. Some are lost in grief and time does not bring healing. Others suffer the darkness of loneliness, love escapes them, and relationships seem distant. Still others walk in the darkness of addiction, divorce, anger or neglect. Such is the weight of darkness. It steals away joy from those who cannot escape its grip, and it robs people of hope, casting doubt on the future. Darkness; that is what Mary felt as she made her way to the tomb.

In her darkness, Mary imagined the worst, that Jesus’ body had been stolen. In their darkness, Peter and John believed, but did not understand. It seemed the darkness of Jesus death would only become more intense, and the absence of light and life appeared to lay claim upon their future hope. Only a risen Lord can dispel such darkness.

As the first rays of sunlight pierced the darkness of Jesus’ tomb, the darkness of the grave was overcome. As the great stone was rolled away, death gave way to life. In a moment, the light of the resurrection obliterated the darkness of death. As she cried out in her grief, Jesus uttered one little word that would change her forever. The Lord said “Mary.”

Prayer: O Lord Jesus, call me by name and lift me out of the darkness of sin and into the light of your resurrection. Amen.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted April 1, 2018 By admin

Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Luke 24:5-6

Soon, our Lenten journey will reach its conclusion and our prayers for mercy and grace will again include resounding shouts of “Alleluia!” With the Easter celebration the church springs to new life in Christ. If you would like to get a jump start on the Easter season, read the events of Holy Week and then the first Easter. As I do this, a few words quickly come to mind.

The first word is “Surprise!” – Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, women went to Jesus’ tomb only to find the stone rolled away and his body
missing. Inside the tomb, the angel of the Lord told them that indeed, Christ has risen! Imagine their surprise when they witnessed this, and then saw Jesus very much alive. Imagine the surprise of the two disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus when they finally recognized the stranger was actually Jesus himself. How many times are we surprised to find Jesus in our midst? How many times have we experienced a moment of God’s grace and seen the face of our Lord through the actions of others? Easter is a time of such surprises and grace filled moments, especially as we seek to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to the entire world.

Next is “Joy.” To say those who witnessed his resurrection were suddenly overcome with great Joy is perhaps the greatest understatement ever made. It is impossible for us to imagine the events of Holy Week with all of their extreme grief and sorrow. It would stand to
reason that we also could not imagine the joy the disciples and friends of Jesus felt once they realized he had been raised for the dead. The immense joy and power of Christ’s resurrection changed the lives of the disciples and followers of Jesus forever. Even though we too know the sorrow of death at the passing of a loved one, this same Easter joy is ours as well. The Easter celebration and the good news of Jesus’ resurrection give the church
reassurance that God has redeemed his people, and we are also changed forever. Saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we are inheritors of eternal life in God’s kingdom. The grave no longer has the final word. This is the good news to be shared.

The third word is “Renewal.” – On that first Easter Sunday, when it was evening, Jesus appeared to the remaining eleven and opened their hearts and minds to understand the scriptures. He empowered them to be witnesses to all that he had said and done. Suddenly, being fishers of men took on new meaning. During Easter, we too can renew our commitment to follow Christ. Easter is the perfect time to recommit ourselves for mission and ministry. It is a good time for those who have gotten out of the habit of weekly worship to once again join the Sunday assembly in praise and thanksgiving. Easter is also a great time to rededicate ourselves in our life of discipleship, to support the mission of the church, to give generously in ministry to those less fortunate, and to join the church in prayer for our world and all who are in need.

I look forward to sharing the joy of this Easter season with you. I also look forward to renewing our efforts to follow Christ to those places the Holy Spirit leads us. Who knows what blessings God has in store for us as we continue to share the good news? Who knows the joy we will find? The answers to these questions and many more will certainly be yet another Easter surprise.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Lutheran Women News

Posted April 1, 2018 By admin

Lutheran Women Sunday is April 8.

Our group continues to help those in need, but we don’t always know who needs our help. If you know of anyone, please contact me or any member of our group. All donations have and will be greatly appreciated.

Also, we are still selling Happy Home Flavoring and Rada products. We are accepting orders thru April 8. We have a few books available to look at if you are interested and we have some flavoring and Rada knives on hand also. Contact Sandra or Phyllis to place an order.

Our Congregational Luncheon Fund Raisers will be held on May 6 and Sept. 23 immediately following the church service.

The Mother-Daughter/Friend Tea Party will be held on Saturday, June 23 at 4:00 PM. We will be serving delicious food and we will have some great entertainment.

We continue to collect food/items for We Care. Next time you go shopping, please pick up a few extra items and place them in the box which is in the

Fellowship Hall.
Phyllis, Leader