Archive for July, 2018

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink
his blood, you have no life in you. John 6:53

Each week, as a family of faith, we gather in worship around God’s Word and Sacraments. The Word is the gospel through which faith is passed along. The
Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are the means by which God imparts His grace through faith. Simply put, we receive the good news of Christ in our hearing, and then we receive the benefits of this good news through water, bread and wine connected to God’s promise of salvation.

As sinners, we are not worthy to gather in God’s house on our own. We do not deserve to come to His table of grace as a result of our own actions. Yet, thanks be to God, we are made worthy through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us through the blood of Christ, extends
forgiveness of sin and nourishes our faith through Christ’s very body and blood.
Realizing this, the hearts of Christians are filled with joy as we partake of this heavenly food. Still, there is a disturbing trend that has emerged within the Christian Church.

As congregations gather, we do so as people who have busy lives and full schedules. We are also a part of a society that seeks fulfillment in earthly endeavors. We compartmentalize nearly all aspects of life and fit those into convenient blocks so as one will not encroach upon another. When one activity spills over into the next, something must give, and so we move on. It even happens in worship on Sunday morning.

Over the years, I have noticed more and more
Christians leave worship immediately following their receiving Holy Communion. Other pastors have
encountered this same behavior. For me, this points to two things. The first is that worship was not the highest priority for the day. The second is that there is a lack of understanding of the Eucharistic movement in worship.
On the heels of our sermon series of the Ten
Commandments, we will recall that God said, “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” God
provides one day in seven for His people to rest from their labors and to be refreshed by His Word of grace. As humans, we need this time apart from earthly demands. As sinners, we need this time for repentance, confession, absolution and renewal. To rest in the Word and promise of God is to forsake earthly timetables and gather with the faithful to be strengthened by God and through one another.

The Eucharistic movement within our
service beckons us to follow our Lord’s
invitation to the table and receive the feast of forgiveness and life. As invited guests, we should come with great reverence and respect for Christ our host. We enjoy the company of fellow Christians saved through the sacrifice of our Lord and
Savior, tasting His goodness and basking in His mercy and love. To suddenly get up from the table and leave before the meal has ended robs worshipers of hearing the blessing of Christ and the benediction (good words) our Lord rains over His
children. Just as we desire for guests at our table to remain and enjoy the benefits of our friendship, God enjoys the fellowship of His people as they remain until all are fed and blessed with His love.

The human may say these are just words, but the sinner longs to hear this blessing for it is music to a sin-sick soul. My prayer is that we all enjoy the meal of God’s grace together. Gathered as a family of faith, I pray we savor the joy of our life together and share in the blessing of our Lord’s love for His

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Following Christ

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Matthew 16:21-28

I am sure most people have played “Follow the Leader.” It is a simple game, but it can become quite complicated if the leader heads in a direction the rest of the players do not want to go. Would you follow the leader if he walked along the edge of a steep cliff? Seeing such a path filled with extreme challenges is a stumbling block, especially if following the leader means giving up all you have and heading to Jerusalem to be killed for the sake of others. But that is exactly what Jesus did and he calls people to follow him along this same path.

Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Our Lord calls his people to be living sacrifices, unselfishly denying ourselves, placing the needs of others ahead of our own. Only when we do this can we truly say we are following our leader.

There are many false leaders in this world. They sway would-be followers making empty promises not ever intended to be kept. These imposters cannot forgive sins, heal our infirmities, or grant us everlasting life. Following Jesus brings forgiveness and grace. Trusting in him only opens the gates of heaven to all who believe.

Prayer: Holy God, help us to follow your Son as he leads us along the path of righteousness. Amen.

From Pastor David’s devotional blog “In the Beginning”

On July 26th, 2018 Pastor Nuottila celebrated the 10th Anniversary of his Ordination. The St. Jacob’s Family celebrated his anniversary with a reception in his honor on Sunday, July 29th. Pastor, we are so proud of your accomplishments and know this is a special time in your life. Thank you for all that you do for our church family and for your dedication to the Congo Mission.
Next newsletter, we will have more detailed information on Pastor and pictures of our celebration.

Worship and Music News

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

August is Homecoming month (can y’all believe it’s August already?!?) and plans are in the works for a wonderful service on the 26th. To start with, for the entire month of August we will return to using the Lutheran Book of Worship (or as we know it – “The Green Book”) and the With One Voice hymnals. Many of the favorite hymns that have been put into the Pick a Hymn box come from the LBW and WOV books, so we have a nice selection to choose from for August music.
We like to invite any former choir members to join us this month as we prepare for the Homecoming service. After taking the past several weeks off from practice, a choir social was held on July 25th. We enjoyed homemade ice cream and fellowshipped. Regular practices begin on August 1st. We’d love to see some new faces in with the returning singers!
Parents of children in kindergarten through 5th grade, please note that we will resume Sunday afternoon practices following Labor Day; in the meantime, I am still meeting with them before Sunday School each Sunday.
As always, I thank you for your support of the music ministry at St. Jacob’s.

Soli Deo Gloria

Congo Mission Fundraising Dinner

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Congo Mission International is a ministry led by Pastor David Nuottila and his mission partner Pastor Stéphane Kalonji – St. Paul Lutheran Church in Rosenberg, Texas. Our mission is to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) as we minister to the people of Congo, DRC.

Congo Mission International provides:
Theological training for pastors and lay leaders.
Christian education seminars for women, young adults and youth.
Food for orphaned children in the care of the C.E.L.C.CO. (Lutheran Church of Congo)
Support for the Farming Project in the Bas-Congo region.
Special attention is given to “freeing” babies detained in hospitals due to the inability of the parents to pay the fees.

St. Jacob’s will host a fund-raising dinner on Saturday, August 4th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available for a $20.00
donation for adults with children 18 and under eating free. You may purchase tickets from Davis Brown, Gerald Lindler, Don Dease, Pastor David or through the church office. Please plan to attend and invite your friends and neighbors as we celebrate our mission work in The Congo.

Congo Mission

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Join in on our upcoming Homecoming celebration.

The Reverend Dr. David Wendel will be our Guest Pastor during Worship!

Our Homecoming meal will follow the worship service. Bring your favorite side dish and dessert. BBQ, fried chicken and tea will be provided.

Join us as we celebrate our first homecoming with Pastor Nuottila and family!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Council for July 9, 2018

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month which included the Mother/Daughter brunch was a success, the noisy offering ($624.00) was generous, the trip to Lutheridge with four confirmands was great, the Sunday sermons are inspiring as well as timely………. and the nursery group coming upstairs for communion and the blessing of the children is a joyful site.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved.
Pastor Report- The Pastor’s Report was reviewed and approved. Pastor David shared that he enjoyed the trip to Lutheridge and being with the four confirmands. Pastor believes that Sunday School is going well and he is also seeing more visitors on Sunday mornings.
Staff Support- The church continues the search for a Director of Youth and Family Ministry.
Spiritual Life- Children’s choir will resume the 3rd Sunday of September (September 16th). There will be a meeting with the Homecoming Committee to work out details for the service and meal on August 26th.
Thank you to Frances Slice for donating a new Altar Guild candle lighter. The new lighter uses oil and wick (no paraffin) which means no more wax dripping on the Altar cloths. A huge thank you Frances!
Short Term- The donations for the digital sign are going very well. Donations through July 8th are $14,524.00.
Witness- Two articles on St. Jacob’s church activity appeared in The Chapin Times Newspaper in the month of June. The Mother/Daughter brunch and the Up and Going trip to NC.
Parish Life- The Lutheran Women has purchased 15 round tables to be used for future church events. The tables seat 8 people each and are a welcomed addition to the St. Jacob’s fellowship hall.
Thank you extended to the Lutheran Men for helping set up tables for the Mother/Daughter brunch in June.
The Lutheran Men’s BBQ was a huge success. Congratulations on another successful St. Jacob’s BBQ!
The Up and Going Group enjoyed a wonderful trip to Hendersonville and Saluda, NC. Thank you to Sandra and Davis Brown for supplying the great snacks on such a warm day of travel. And thank you to Gerald Lindler for driving the St. Jacob’s bus! It was a fun and enjoyable trip for everyone.
Support of Ministries – Additional church cemetery maps have been made.  Back-up copies were needed by the church to keep our records secure.
The church office & pastor has another email address!
Administrative – Either e-mail addresses can be used at this time.
New e-mail address:
Present e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s new e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s present e-mail address:

Old Business
Brandon Slice is working to develop a YOU TUBE channel for St. Jacob’s. The sermons will be posted on this channel each Sunday for our shut-ins to access when they become available.
Homecoming preparations are being made. Pastor David has secured a guest Pastor (Rev. Dr. David Wendel) and is also sending invitations to our past supply Pastors. Pastor David hopes some of these Pastors can attend. Please continue to reach out and invite all to this annual event. We pray for a great St. Jacob’s Homecoming on August 26th that will be enjoyed by all.
New Business
There will be a safety meeting planned soon. This meeting will address proper safety procedures for St. Jacob’s Church.

Upcoming Yard Sale October 13, 2018

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

SATURDAY, October 13, 2018
Leave your donated items in the garage at the church office

Outdoor Items
Books & CDs
Small Appliances
Household Items Toys & Games
Gently Used Clothing
Please help by sorting clothing into separate bags
(boys, girls, men, women)
PLEASE no televisions, computers, printers or computer related items.

Blessing of the Backpacks

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

During our service on August 19th, we will bless all of our public school teachers, Sunday school teachers, all students and everyone’s backpacks.
All students and teachers are requested to bring their backpacks or totes that day.