Youth and Family Ministry

Dear Church Family, As another month goes by, we are excited about the different opportunities we’ve been able to partake in. This past month we started the new Sunday school curriculum from “The Bible Project.” This curriculum does a fantastic job teaching kids through the entire bible looking for the focus of God’s promise of redemption as we see Christ in every story. If you would like to be a part of Sunday school, we are looking for volunteer teachers. Coming up later this week, we have our “trunk or treat” gathering, along with a “Halloween party” and youth “lock-in”. We are excited about the opportunity to fellowship together during these events. This year we partnered with “operation Christmas tree child”, providing gifts of Christmas presents to children around the world in need. This ministry has a beautiful opportunity to share the gospel with every child that receives a gift and has a wonderful disciple ship program for the children and their families. If you have not gotten a box yet, we still have some that need filling!
If you want to get involved with the youth and family program here at St. Jacobs, don’t hesitate to reach out! Blessings,