Missions Archive

Congo Missions Update

Posted March 2, 2020 By admin

There have been some wonderful developments concerning the Congo Mission as of late. In November, Pastor Stéphane Kalonji and I submitted paperwork to incorporate what is now known as Congo Mission International. Having received information that incorporation has been granted, the next step was to submit the application for tax exempt status.

I am pleased to inform you that Congo Mission International has been granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the United States Internal Revenue Service. These are exciting times for us as we do the work God sets before us. Yet, it goes without saying, the work in God’s mission field is never complete. I would invite you to continue to support the Congo Mission through your benevolent offerings and by attending special fund-raising events during the year. I will be working with several people at St. Jacob’s to schedule a fund-raising dinner for our congregation and also the community around us. Please keep Congo Mission International and the good folks we minister to in Africa in your prayers.

Duty and Delight

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Along with many of you, my list of responsibilities seem to grow larger each day. We all have obligations that we must fill in our families, in the workplace and at home. Are these meant to be our primary duties? What about our duties and obligations to God and His church? We fill the needs in our homes, with cleaning, cooking, laundry and lawn care. All these things seem to keep our lives in order. What of our spiritual lives and our duties to the Kingdom of God? You can find the word “duty” often in scripture. In Luke 17:10, Jesus said, “so you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, “We are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty.”

As Christians, we should take delight in our obligations. “It is our duty and delight that we should everywhere and always offer thanks and praise to you, O God, through Jesus Christ …” We should always strive to serve our Lord with a joyful heart. The more that we actively serve, the closer we walk with Jesus. Membership of a congregation carries responsibility. We are the body of Christ, and all parts must work together to know and show Christ’s love in every aspect of our lives.

Duty and delight seem to work best when paired together. I encourage you to find delight in even the most mundane chores. I give praise to God for the beautiful family that he has given me to care for. When I carry that thought with me, I can find joy in all my daily obligations. We should do the same in the responsibilities that we have in serving God. I thank God for our church and the people who worship and serve with us.

This month is stewardship month. As we begin to hand out the time and talent sheets, I urge you to follow what you are called to do. We all have God given talents and we would love to know how you can share yours.


Stewardship Team

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted August 1, 2019 By admin

Congo Mission 2019

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 But how are they to call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:13-15

Through my mission work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, I have learned first-hand the meaning of the above text. The apostle Paul explains to Christians that God extends his grace throughout the world. Everyone who comes to faith in Christ Jesus is saved from their sin and gains the promise of eternal life. But how will people come to faith unless God’s people share the gospel?

For five years, Pastor Stéphane Kalonji and I have traveled to the Congo in obedience to Jesus’ Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. Christ calls all Christians to go into the world making disciples and teaching the Word of God. This is precisely our mission as we go; to preach and teach God’s Word, and to provide training for others that they may be messengers of God’s grace. Upon this, my third trip to Congo, I have again seen how God continues to build up his Church and bring people to faith through the hearing of the gospel.

Pastor Kalonji and I visited three Lutheran parishes while we were in Congo. We first went to the city of Boma where two years ago I was commissioned by Bishop Keya (Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Congo) to be his missionary to the Lutheran Church in America. I have made friends in Boma, friends that I pray for each day. Upon our arrival, we received a welcome much like that of a family member coming home after an extended period. One by one, people would come to the church and visit with us, telling us of how they have been getting along since our last trip.

In Boma, Pastor Kalonji and I led two seminars for pastors and lay people; we sang with the choirs of men and women; and we preached together, me in English with Pastor Stéphane translating into Lingala. During the hymn following the sermon, a young man ran up to me and dusted off my shoes. This is a common reaction to the preached Word of God in Boma. “How beautiful the feet of those who preach the good news.”

That Monday, we traveled to the city of Tshela, a place neither of us had been before. In Tshela, we were greeted by an excited congregation of God’s people who lined the street leading to their place of worship. The welcome we received was extraordinary to say the least. This was an unexpected addition to our trip, but the joy we found and the response to God’s Word as we taught women and men, and then preached can only be described as unbridled enthusiasm. Children sat in the doorways and windows of the building, not to mention those who occupied the front four benches directly in front of me.

As Pastor Kalonji preached to the crowded church in their native language, I connected with the many children using a common language we all understood. We exchanged funny faces, smiles and even a bit of laughter. It didn’t matter that we couldn’t understand one another as we spoke. We understood one another as we shared a relationship established by God through his Son Jesus Christ. Once more, at the completion of our presentation and my telling the  congregation of the joy I have witnessed through their faith, a young man came up to me and dusted off my shoes in a gesture of thankfulness to God for sending his missionaries to preach the good news.

From the Pastor’s Heart

by Pastor David Nuottila

Creating A Vision For Ministry

Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

What is St. Jacob’s vision for ministry within our community and world? To be honest, we can’t say we have a clear vision. As a congregation of God’s people, we are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, follow him in faith and participate in the mission of God by doing the work of the gospel. In order to follow Christ, we must first understand God’s mission. We then must pray and discern which ministries to which God is calling us. And finally, we must create a vision, a clear understanding and strategy as to how we will engage in such ministries. For as Scripture teaches us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs, 29:18 KJV

 On June 30th, a small group of church family members met to begin this conversation. We introduced the process by which our church might discern those ministries God would have us do and then created a vision as to how we will do them. Yet this task is not simply for a small group. If we are to be serious about our faith and ministry, we will all need to take part.

Creating a vision for ministry does not happen quickly. In the coming months, there will be several seminars scheduled for St. Jacob’s church family members to come listen, learn and discuss the work God has set before us. Plan to attend these seminars as they are scheduled and be a part of St. Jacob’s participation in God’s mission.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted July 1, 2019 By admin

How often have you wondered what it might be like to go to a far-off place, meet people of a much different culture, and share with them the good news of Christ our Lord? Several years ago, I was afforded just such an experience. As most of you know, I travel to the democratic Republic of Congo every other year with my mission partner, Pastor Stéphane Kalonji. My first experience was so profound that I have made this mission a key part of my ministry of the gospel. Now, following months of preparation, it is finally time to make this trip again.

On Monday, July 8th Pastor Kalonji and I will begin our travels. I will depart from Columbia in the early morning hours and head to Houston, Texas. There, Pastor Kalonji and I will fly to Paris, France and finally to Kinshasa, the capitol city of the Congo, DRC. My total travel time will be just about thirty-six hours with twenty-one in the air. Certainly, it is a long trip and there is no doubt that we will be very tired when we finally reach our destination.

The next morning, the hardships of life in Congo will be immediately upon us. There is no gradual acclamation, no settling in; the conditions are what they are. Food, clean water, and electricity are all scarce. The extreme conditions of poverty and hunger are just the way of life. Yet, as we meet with pastors from the Lutheran Church in Kinshasa on our first morning there, the joy of mission in Christ’s name will be brought to the forefront instantly. I am looking forward to seeing my friends again and sharing this important work with them. Pastors Tombisa, Ngoma, Ahkim and Epaphras share a close bond of friendship with Pastor Kalonji and I.

Our schedule will see us travel to several cities in the Bas-Congo Province (western region). As we visit various congregations, we will lead seminars for pastors and church leaders, have Bible studies with women’s groups and feed large numbers of orphaned children. We will provide Bibles for pastors who do not have one of their own, and if possible, Bibles for families as well.

Pastors and lay leaders travel great distances to attend these seminars and the women’s groups come from all around. Considering the difficulty of travel in such a place, I am always quite taken by their response. Most have no place to stay, so they cook over charcoal fires and sleep on the concrete floor of the church building. Even in these conditions, the joy of being a child of God is made clear by their continual singing of thankful songs of praise.

Of course, we cannot do this work on our own. I am so thankful that St. Jacob’s has recognized and supported this mission. Through faith, many have been moved by the Holy Spirit to contribute funds, assist with projects and pray for the Congo Mission. It goes without saying that, as I address the people of Congo, I will bring to them greetings and prayers from all of you here. I may be the one on the ground, but you, my church family, will be with me in spirit at every moment.

Just as I am looking forward to making this trip again, I am also looking forward to returning and sharing with you the joys of a job well done in the name of Christ our Lord. The peace of the Lord be with you always, and may God bless those to whom we share our faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory,

now and forever.

Pastor David Nuottila

Pastor David in Congo

Posted June 26, 2019 By admin

Pastor David will be in Congo on a mission trip beginning Monday, July 8th through Wednesday, July 24th. Should you need pastoral support during this time, please contact Sherry in the Church Office Monday-Thursday from 9AM – 2PM at 803-345-2309 or Danny, Council President, at 803-422-6824.

Eye Glasses for Congo

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Pastor David is now collecting your gently used pre-scription eye glasses to take with him on his mission trip to Congo in July. A box is located in the Narthex to drop off your donations.

Donations are being Accepted until June 30.

Please make plans to attend our congregational meal after the church service on Sunday, May 5th in the fellowship hall. All proceeds will go to Congo Missions. The meal will be grilled chicken, baked potato, salad, dessert and drink. The cost will be $8 a plate and children 3 and under are free.
Sign-up sheet is now available in the Narthex.

Congo Missions Congregational Meal

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Make plans to attend our congregational meal after church services on Sunday, May 5th.
All proceeds will go to Congo Missions.
Meal: Grilled Chicken, Baked Potato, Salad, Dessert and Drink
Cost: $8 a plate (Children 3 and under eat free)
Watch the worship folder for more details and when to sign up.