Archive for September, 2019

Children’s Choir

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

The Children’s Choir will practice each Sunday afternoon at 3 PM in the Sanctuary. We are looking forward to having so much fun learning new songs and lifting our little voices to the Lord.

Sunday School Teachers Needed

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

We are in need of Sunday School teachers for our Pre-K Class and Elementary Grade Class. Please see the schedule on the bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up if you are able to use your talents and gifts to help train up our children.

Duty and Delight

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Along with many of you, my list of responsibilities seem to grow larger each day. We all have obligations that we must fill in our families, in the workplace and at home. Are these meant to be our primary duties? What about our duties and obligations to God and His church? We fill the needs in our homes, with cleaning, cooking, laundry and lawn care. All these things seem to keep our lives in order. What of our spiritual lives and our duties to the Kingdom of God? You can find the word “duty” often in scripture. In Luke 17:10, Jesus said, “so you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, “We are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty.”

As Christians, we should take delight in our obligations. “It is our duty and delight that we should everywhere and always offer thanks and praise to you, O God, through Jesus Christ …” We should always strive to serve our Lord with a joyful heart. The more that we actively serve, the closer we walk with Jesus. Membership of a congregation carries responsibility. We are the body of Christ, and all parts must work together to know and show Christ’s love in every aspect of our lives.

Duty and delight seem to work best when paired together. I encourage you to find delight in even the most mundane chores. I give praise to God for the beautiful family that he has given me to care for. When I carry that thought with me, I can find joy in all my daily obligations. We should do the same in the responsibilities that we have in serving God. I thank God for our church and the people who worship and serve with us.

This month is stewardship month. As we begin to hand out the time and talent sheets, I urge you to follow what you are called to do. We all have God given talents and we would love to know how you can share yours.


Stewardship Team

Morning Bible Study

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Morning Bible Study returns on Wednesday, October 16th beginning at 9:30 AM. Our subject of study will be a study written by our Homecoming guest Pastor Brad Hales titled Graying in Grace: Becoming Mature Disciples of Jesus Christ. Copies of the study will be available for all participants, so the only materials you will need is your Bible and a desire to grow in faith and discipleship. Those planning to participate are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors to study with us.

Lutheran Women

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Lutheran Women will meet Sunday, October 20th at 4:30 PM in the fellowship hall. Joan has the devotions for the meeting.

Contact and Member Information Needed

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

We need to have correct contact information in order to keep the members of St. Jacob’s well informed. If your contact information (home address, home phone, cell and email) has changed, please let us know so you won’t miss out on important church news and happenings.

Contact information needed:

  • If your land line telephone has been removed and you are using only cell phones and email.
  • Address and contact information for adult children no longer living at home.

Member Information needed:

  • Children that started 4-year or 5-year kindergarten this year

You can indicate changes on the friendship register page, use a “Change of Address” card in the pew racks OR call/email the church office. Thank you so much for making sure membership records are up-to-date

Lutheran Men

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Men will meet on Sunday, October 20th at 6 PM in the fellowship hall.

Reformation Sunday

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Reformation Sunday is the day Lutherans remember and reflect upon the ministry and mission of Martin Luther as he called the Church to debate his 95 Theses concerning God’s grace and salvation. In 1517 on All Hallows Eve (Oct. 31) Luther nailed his call to debate on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg setting in motion the events that would lead to the Sixteenth Century Reformation.

Within the Lutheran Church today there are several traditions observed as we commemorate this anniversary. On Reformation Sunday we will, of course, sing A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and we will affirm our Baptism into Christ’s death and resurrection. Another tradition is the wearing of red which symbolizes the entry into eternal life through the blood of Christ Jesus. Everyone is invited to wear the color red during our worship service on Reformation Sunday, October 27 as we mark one more Reformation celebration and look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus.

It’s Time To Order Christmas Poinsettias

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

The Altar Guild will once again be accepting orders for Christmas Poinsettias to be placed in the church for our Christmas services in honor and/or memory of loved ones. This year the cost per poinsettias will be $10.00; checks should be made payable to St. Jacob’s Altar Guild.

If you would like to order a poinsettia, please submit your completed order. The deadline for placing your order is Sunday, November 3, 2019. In order to guarantee delivery of the poinsettias, the Altar Guild must place the order for St. Jacob’s on the deadline date. The team asks that you turn your orders in early as NO orders can be accepted after the deadline.

Up and Going

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Thursday, Sept 12th began bright, sunshiny and warm as the Up and Going group arrived at St. Jacob’s Church and began loading the St. Jacob’s Express to go to Hendersonville, NC for the annual Apple Run. Eighteen members and guests were on board and Helen, Team Leader gave the devotions based on the fruits of the Spirit. She reminded us that we, as older adults, possess love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, all fruits of the Spirit and that God expects us to use these gifts. We are never too old to be of use to God. Pastor Brad Hales information sheet “Engaging the Aging” was passed around for all to read. There are always things that we can do to make our world a better place no matter our age or station in life. When we can do very little else, we can always pray for our Church and others. Remember to pray for, Gloria Z. and Gloria D., we miss having them with us. The Treasurer’s report was given and other business was discussed.

Gerald took us on the scenic route to Hendersonville via Lake Lure, the Flower Bridge and Chimney Rock. We laughed and talked about other adventures in the mountains. We ate a delicious lunch at Bay Breeze Seafood Restaurant in Hendersonville. Next was Lyda Farms to buy apples, cabbage, tomatoes, honey and all sorts of goodies including pumpkins. The bus was loaded with our treasures. An unexpected stop was at Grandad’s Apples to purchase fried apple pies, apple dumplings, cider, ice cream and other treats. Oh, Oh, so good! Loaded with treats, hot and tired we headed home. The bus buzzed with chatter and laughter as we made our way back to St. Jacob’s around 5 PM. We were hot and tired but all agreed that it had been a great day together!!

The October Meeting is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday in October, Oct 10th. We will go to the Happy Cow Creamery in Pelzer. Watch your worship folders for more information.


Team Leader

Up and Going