Archive for October, 2019

Annual Congregational Christmas Luncheon

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Men’s and Lutheran Women’s Annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 1st immediately following the church service. The cost is $5.00 per person. Those individuals under 3 years of age and over 80 years of age is free. Please plan to attend and enjoy the delicious meal and great fellowship.

Lutheran Women

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

With the Holidays coming upon us, we want to remind everyone that we continue to collect food and non-perishable items for WE CARE. The collection box is in the fellowship hall. Also, we have some Rada items and Happy Home Flavoring for sale. If you would like to look at these items or a catalog, please see Phyllis or Sandra.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

Our Thanksgiving Eve worship will take place on Wednesday, November 27th beginning at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to come give thanks to the Lord and share Holy Communion. Following worship, we will prepare pound cake slices for delivery to The Hub for the annual Thanksgiving meals delivery. We look forward to seeing you there.

Hub Request For The Congregation

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

This year St. Jacob’s has been requested to support The HUB by supplying 225 slices of pound cake for Thanksgiving meals. Please drop your donated cakes or wrapped cake slices in the fellowship hall on Wednesday prior to the Thanksgiving Eve Service. Several individuals will get together following the service to complete wrapping and boxing the cake slices for delivery. The Hub is looking forward to providing Thanksgiving meals to 500 people in our community.

Lutheran Men

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Men are having their Annual Sausage Sale. Orders must be placed by 10 AM on November 18th. Cost will be $4 per pound and sold in bulk only. Pick up will be Monday, November 25th from 4-6:30 PM. Please see one of the Lutheran Men to place your order.

All Saints Sunday

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

This year, the Sunday of All Saints will be observed on November 3rd. All Saints Sunday is a day when the Church Militant (those saints who are still living) remembers and gives thanks to God for the lives and the witness of the Church Triumphant (those saints who have passed from earthly life). Traditionally, this is done through prayer and the lighting of a candle. During the Baptismal Rite, candles are given for the newly baptized with the words “Let your light shine before others, that they would see your good work and glorify your Father in heaven.

This year, we especially remember the light and the love of these saints from our church family who have completed their pilgrimage on earth within the last twelve months. Bob Shields, Pearl Cribb, Rie Eargle and Harold Driver have completed the work God gave them, yet their light still shines. Join us on November 3rd for this celebration of saints and to give thanks to God for all His blessings.

South Carolina Mission District Meeting

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

As reported earlier this year, our Carolinas Mission District will divide into four smaller mission districts forming the Carolinas Mission Region. One of these will be the South Carolina Mission District. On November 19th, the NALC congregations in South Carolina will meet at St. Peters Lutheran Church in Chapin. All NALC clergy in South Carolina, and delegates from each congregation will vote to elect a Dean. St. Jacob’s will have one delegate. Visitors to the meeting are encouraged to attend. A light meal will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 PM. Please call the St. Jacob’s church office if you plan to attend.

Up and Going

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

Thursday, Oct 12th, was a beautiful day as thirteen boarded the St. Jacob’s Express for our next adventure. A short business meeting was held. Helen gave the devotions based on travels and the wonders God has created for our enjoyment. She challenged us to find something new today and give our thanks to God for this gift.

The group headed to the Center for Advanced Technical Studies located on the Spring Hill High School Campus. Mr. Will McGinty, Assistant Director for the CATS Center, welcomed us for our scheduled tour. Imagine our delight when the first room we passed, we met Sandy Ellisor, a fellow member of St. Jacob’s. Several of the areas we toured were different pods, classrooms, and work laboratories. Some of the areas were Engineering Design, Aerospace Engineering, Robot Technology, Movie and Journalism Technology, Computer Nerd Laboratory, Electricity Lab, Construction Technology, Criminal Justice Technology, Veterinary Services, Firefighter Lab, Energy Technology, Nurses/Health Sciences, Hospitality Services, and The Commons Area.

An interesting fact of the Firefighter Lab Studies is students are ready to be hired as a firefighter…ready to go to work, no other training required. Viewing the Chef’s Galley with students measuring, cooking, and performing other aspects of the preparation of food was interesting. The Chef answered questions and gave pertinent comments. Fair food was being prepared that day which consisted of funnel cakes, corn dogs, and cookies. They smelled so good.

This list does not include all areas of study and on-hands training. Our tour ended with a question and answer session and informative comments by Mr. McGinty. The CATS Center is a state-of-the-art facility and serves as an example for local schools and international programs. Approximately 1,000 students attend the CATS Center each day. Last year 11,000 people enjoyed these tours. The CATS Center was simply fascinating to see what is available for our youth to learn. Each area has numerous computers, used for study and design. These classes help to send youth out into the world prepared to work or to obtain certification in much less time than normal. These programs benefit both college and non-college bound youth.

To say that we were impressed is an understatement. We were amazed. If only we could of had this opportunity!

Fellowship and lunch was enjoyed at Roma’s on Main Street, Prosperity. After lunch, we headed back to St. Jacob’s. Watch the worship folders and bulletin board for November Meeting information.


Team Leader,

Up and Going


Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

The St. Jacob’s Church Council met October 1st for its regular meeting.

Good things noted for the month of September:

  • Pastor home safe from vacation
  • Lutheran Men’s Service
  • Lutheran Women’s Congregational Fundraiser Meal
  • Collection for Gideons (Approx $900 – Pastor to confirm)
  • Children’s Choir starting again (Robes are in)
  • Family Outing at Pine Island
  • Wednesday Evening Light Services
  • Paulette did great job at the Evening Light Services

Important Notes and Dates:

  • October 5: Blessing of the Animals
  • October 7-9: CMD Clergy Convocation at St. Christopher
  • October 19: Oktoberfest
  • October 27: Reformation Sunday
  • November 3: All Saints Sunday

Ongoing Project Updates:

  • Parking Lot: Engineer requested that more elevations be shot of the existing storm drain…these were performed September 30th. Engineer will work with architect and provide drawing for review within 2 weeks.

Next Scheduled Meeting: November 5th at 6:30 PM in the Church Office

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew J. (A.J.) Peeples,  Secretary St. Jacob’s Church

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

The second annual Oktoberfest Fall Festival is in the books! Despite the rain, which moved a few activities indoors, it was a great day spent with our church family. I wanted to especially thank everyone who helped out, I couldn’t have done it without you! While reflecting on the week, I was reminded just how lucky I am to have a home at St. Jacob’s. I have shared with a number of you the many life transitions that I am currently going through and love getting to hear about the times when many of you were where I am. The thing I have learned the most over the past couple of months is that change can be a good thing. God is continuously changing us and molding us to ultimately be like Him. Even though this may not always be comfortable or line up with where we think our lives are going, we can rest in the fact that He has a plan.

The good thing is that He gives us each other to walk through these things with. We can bear one another’s burdens, overlook faults, let offenses go quickly, react out of love, show support, and be there to help or maybe just hold. During these times, we are being molded by God Himself and the Word says He will return for a Church without spot or wrinkle, therefore we need to go through the fire, of refinement, we need to press in and through times of change. I want to encourage you with this: if you’re going through a transition season, do not let your heart be troubled, see the good, hold fast to the truth of the Word and the promises of God, and press into your family at St. Jacob’s. Let’s enter this next season like never before. If you have a need, allow someone to meet it. If you want to bless someone, absolutely go for it. If you have an unsolved issue with a brother or sister, take it to the cross and then to that person for forgiveness. It’s refining season and I believe we will begin to see the fruit of accepting these changes in and around us.

Grace & Peace,

Rachel Shelton