Archive for October, 2022

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

It’s almost comical when one thinks about it, writing next month’s newsletter article about things yet to come, while at the same time significant dates that belong to the previous month have yet to happen. Such is the case as I write this installment. November is a month during which the Christian church marks three important occasions: All Saint’s Day, Christ the King Sunday, and Thanksgiving. This year we also begin the season of Advent before the month of November concludes. And here I am writing about these before October’s big event…Reformation Sunday. As I study the texts for Reformation Sunday, I’m trying to iron out how to talk about All Saint’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Advent while still in the shadow of October.

There is a beloved hymn that is most often sung at the Reformation celebration that sums up the challenge well. “God’s Word is Our Great Heritage” (LBW 239). It is but one verse, albeit an important one. Many of you will recognize this hymn as I share it with you.

(To the tune of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”)

God’s Word is our great heritage,

and shall be ours forever.

To Spread its light from age to age,

shall be our chief endeavor.

Through life it guides our way;

in death it is our stay.

Lord, grant while time shall last,

your church may hold it fast;

Throughout all generations.

Indeed, God’s Word is our great heritage. We are all people who have been brought up in the truth of God’s Law and Gospel. We cannot deny that we depend on God’s mercy and grace for for[1]giveness of our sins and life in God’s kingdom. God’s Word for us stands forever. It is the strong, undeniable saving Word that comes from the very God we worship and glorify. Ah…there is the rub. How is it that we hear the Word and respond by glorifying God through the way we live our life?

God’s Word is our great heritage and shall be ours forever. If it is to be ours forever, well then, we should know and understand it. So much so, that it shall be our chief endeavor to spread its light from age to age so that all generations of people may claim possession of it and have the Word as their great heritage also. So how do I fit this in with All Saint’s, Thanksgiving, and Advent? Well, here goes.

As we pause to remember those church family members who passed away in the last twelve months, we take great comfort in knowing the truth of God’s salvation. Truly, we believe we will dwell with God and be reunited with all who have gone before us in faith. Those who cling to God’s promise of salvation for believers have the assurance of faith. As so many who have gone before us, our lives are to be shaped by faith – the faith we receive from God in our hearing the Gospel and abiding in Christ. If we live a life shaped by cultural norms, we cannot claim this great heritage as being ours forever. Worldly endeavors simply cannot fulfill that which God promises in the Scriptures. So many of our predecessors understood this and now rest in the love of Christ our Lord. For the fulfillment of this promise, we can and surely ought to give thanks.

As we journey to the beginning of Advent, we do so along our life’s pathway illuminated by the Word of God. Through life it guides our way; in death it is our stay. The promise of Advent is that Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead. And his kingdom will have no end. How wonderful to be among those whose great heritage is the promise of everlasting life through Christ Jesus!

Lord, grant while time shall last, your church may hold it fast; Throughout all generations. Are you holding fast to your great heritage? Are you daily pondering, meditating, and dwelling in the Word of God? If not, why not? As a child of God, saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, God’s Word is your great heritage, your promise from the God whose Son has purchased and won you from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Hold fast to this promise. Hold fast to your great heritage.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Choir Notes

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Our St. Jacob’s choirs continue to gather and grow. Our youth members in grades 4 and up have been rehearsing handbells each Sunday and have enjoyed playing during our Sunday services.

Our Children’s Choir, (grades K-3) have been busy learning new songs. As they continue to gain confidence they too will share their gift of music with the congregation during worship.

And finally, our adult Chancel Choir continues to rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and always has room for more.

I would like to encourage members of our church family of all ages to consider how you might participate in the music ministry of St. Jacob’s. Even if you are only able to share your musical talent from time to time, there are many opportunities for special music.

Anyone who might be interested in learning Hand Bells is strongly encouraged to contact me so we might explore this opportunity.

Please come and join us.

Operation Christmas Child

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Joining with several local congregations, St. Jacob’s will participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child.

From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world. Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving. Year -round volunteers support these efforts across the country.

Churches and groups of all sizes collect boxes from their communities. Some churches also serve as drop-off locations for shoeboxes the third week of November every year.

Thousands of volunteers serve annually inspecting and preparing shoeboxes for international shipping. Every hour work stops for a few minutes to pray for the children who will receive the boxes.

Operation Christmas Child uses the boxes as resources for outreach in orphanages and other at-risk areas. In many places, they also offer The Greatest Gift, a Gospel story booklet Samaritan’s Purse developed for shoebox recipients, inviting children to participate in The Greatest Journey discipleship program.

Thank you to all at St. Jacob’s who have adopted a child by way of Operation Christmas Child. As of Sunday, October 23, we still have 23 shoe boxes that have not been adopted. Please, as you are able, share the gift of God’s love with a child in need this Christmas. Shoeboxes are located in the narthex along with all the information you need to fill, pack, and have your box delivered to a child in one of more than 100 countries. Shoeboxes must be turned in by Sunday, November 13th.

NALC Disaster Response

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Due to response to Hurricane Ian, both Carolinas Disaster Response Warehouses are empty and in great need. As such, St. Jacob’s is collecting blankets and assembling Health Kits. A list of items for health kits is provided below.

Men, women, and youth members of St, Jacob’s are encouraged to participate in the assembly of health kits on Sunday, November 6th in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:00PM.

DISASTER RESPONSE HEALTH KIT CONTENTS 1 bath towel, 1 wash cloth, 1 travel size shampoo (3 oz), 1 bar bath soap, 1 tooth brush, 1 tube toothpaste (2 if travel size), 1 comb, 1 hairbrush, 1 deodorant, 1 nail clippers (optional), 1 dental floss

ITEMS ALSO NEEDED: Trough November 20th, we will collect Blankets, Adult disposable underwear, And children’s and infant disposable diapers

Council Briefs for September 2022

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Good Things for September 2022

  • The Up and Going ‘Apple Run’ was a huge success.
  • Men’s Bible Study is going well
  • Lutheran Men’s Sunday was wonderful, especially, the choir!

Council Briefs for October 2022

  • The Council received the Pastor’s’ report. Pastor David is continuing to do the administrative duties in addition to his regular duties, as the search for an Administrative Assistant continues.
  • Matt Burt provided the Youth and Family Ministry report highlighting plans for October to include the Trunk or Treat Halloween Party and Lock-In, planned for October 28, 2022. Changes to the Sunday School curriculum are planned so that there will be two classes. These two classes will be divided as 4th graders and younger, and 5th graders and above. Also, included in Matt’s report was the Operation Christmas Child boxes. The last day to turn-in boxes is November 14, 2022.
  • Bob provided the treasurer’s report. The church has spent 67.7% of the 2022 budget.
  • All ministry team reports were received by the council. Notes of interest were as follows:
  • Staff Support: The Administrative Assistant position remains open. If you know of an interested candidate, please speak to a Council Member or Staff Support Committee member.
  • Christian Education: Sunday School teachers are needed to assist with children’s Sunday School classes. Interested parties should contact Donna Fulmer or Sherrie McTeer.
  • Congregational Care: A meal was provided for the family of Mr. Jim Haack. Plans are in place for the Golden-Agers Sunday on October 23, 2022.
  • Discipleship: 45 Mercy boxes have been delivered to We Care. The team is researching using bags instead of boxes, for easier handling.
  • Stewardship: Time and talent sheets will be distributed in the bulletin for 3 weeks. The congregation is encouraged to fill out and return their time and talent sheets for 2023.
  • The Council continues to review the NALC “Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit” that was presented at the September Council meeting.
  • The Council is seeking interested members to fill 5 vacated seats for the 2023/2024 term. Election for these seats will be held at the December Congregational meeting. Any members interested in filling a Council representative seat should notify one of the current Council members.
  • The Property Committee is researching the need for a small (non-CDL) church bus. More information will be forthcoming.
  • Jacobs has been designated as beneficiary of funds from two estates. These funds have no restrictions or pre-determined designations for expenditures. The Council is researching costs for needed property improvements to the Church Sanctuary and grounds as a possible use of these gifts.
  • The Council has reviewed proposed 2023 budget requests from each of the Committees. A first reading was completed, and recommended changes have been made. At the November Council meeting, the Council will finalize the budget for 2023 in preparation for presentation and voting by the Congregation in December.

Fall Back One Hour on November 5th

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

It’s that time of year again, time to turn our clocks back one hour as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. To be on time for worship on Sunday, Nov. 6, be sure to set your clocks back before going to bed on Saturday November 5th. If you forget, well then you will have plenty of time to participate in Sunday school.

It is also a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors, emergency radios and flashlights. In this way we also prepare our homes and families for the long winter nights.

Youth and Family Ministry

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Dear Church Family, As another month goes by, we are excited about the different opportunities we’ve been able to partake in. This past month we started the new Sunday school curriculum from “The Bible Project.” This curriculum does a fantastic job teaching kids through the entire bible looking for the focus of God’s promise of redemption as we see Christ in every story. If you would like to be a part of Sunday school, we are looking for volunteer teachers. Coming up later this week, we have our “trunk or treat” gathering, along with a “Halloween party” and youth “lock-in”. We are excited about the opportunity to fellowship together during these events. This year we partnered with “operation Christmas tree child”, providing gifts of Christmas presents to children around the world in need. This ministry has a beautiful opportunity to share the gospel with every child that receives a gift and has a wonderful disciple ship program for the children and their families. If you have not gotten a box yet, we still have some that need filling!
If you want to get involved with the youth and family program here at St. Jacobs, don’t hesitate to reach out! Blessings,

Trunk or Treat

Posted October 15, 2022 By admin

We will be having a Trunk or Treat for the Church Youth and the community on October 28.

Golden Agers Sunday

Posted October 14, 2022 By admin

On Sunday, October 23rd, St. Jacob’s will celebrate the gifts and faithfulness of our Golden Agers. St. Jacob’s church family members who are 80 years and older will be our guests of honor. A congregational meal will immediately follow our service of worship. Join us on this special day when we give thanks to God for the wisdom, knowledge, and love our Golden Agers have shared for so long.

Operation Christmas Child

Posted October 14, 2022 By admin

Joining with several local congregations, St. Jacob’s will participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child. Please see the bulletin insert included this week for all details on how you can participate. Our goal is to supply 50 completed boxes.